Chapter 8- Do The Same

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There was a flash, and my head begins to spin as the same gut wrenching feeling came over my body. I felt my limbs being tugged on again, but it wasn't like a terrible pain. More like pulling a thorn out of your paw or something like that.
Finally, when I was able to regain vision, I open my eyes and see that I wasn't in the same place I was standing before. I look down to see my beautiful black clothing and my wonderful hands, and I just couldn't contain my screams of delight.

"Yes!" I shout loudly, opening wings and taking off toward the sky. "I'm me again!"

I did a sloppy corkscrew between the buildings as the others cheers echoed off the walls and bounced up to me. It felt so good to fly with wings again!

When I was able to calm down again, I look down at our new prisoner, who was still tied up and mopping in the middle of the street. This was usually the easy part for me, where we ended the victim. Now was my time to shine.

I change to my wolf form in midair and land on the ground right in front of Mumbo, who's eyes instantly filled with terror when he caught sight of me. "What are you going to do?" He asked as I leaned my hang head in closer to his.

My lips curled into a snarl. "What I've been waiting for every since you waved that tiny little wand of yours in my face."

Before I could even process what I was doing, my jaws parted to reveal my long rows of teeth, and I tensed as I prepared for the death blow. My mind was so clouded with anger, so overcome with my natural instinct, that I had completely forgotten the laws of earth. I would have gone through with it if Robin hadn't interrupted. "Averi, stop!"

After a long groan, I swirl around to face him. "What?" I snapped. "Don't tell me your afraid of a little blood."

"We are the heroes, we don't kill people!" He makes a quick move and positions himself between me and Mumbo. "I told you this when you came here, things are different on earth, and your just gonna have to accept that!"

I scoffed, changing to my human form agai and unsheathing my claws. "Your telling me that after everything this maniac has done to your team, all the danger he has put this city into, your still just gonna throw him behind some metal bars and hopes he sees the error of his ways?" The idea itself was laughable. "Your just wasting your time."

"The wolfs got a point there, Rob." Mumbo comments, but instantly shuts up when I glance behind Robin and shoot a sharp snarl his way.

Wonder Boy just ignored the creep. "I don't care how you handled things on your planet. You are apart of this team, and you will follow our rules!"

"Why can't you understand that it would be so much easier to just end them?" This seems to shut him up. "He is nothing but a piece of trash, it's not like people would miss him."

Robin's eyes wandered to the ground. "Trust me, Averi, this is not something I haven't thought about before." His voice was suddenly calm, well maybe not completely calm, but not as hostile as before. "But I've seen people fall under the influence of murder, something that you can never recover from. I refuse to let that happen to me!"

I stood there frozen as he turns and shoulders past the other Titans. The way he looked at me when he said it, the look of accusation. He couldn't have made it more obvious that he was referring to me.

A low growl escapes my throat, a real Werewolf growl. Not that stupid throaty cough that humans did. "That is bullshit, and you know it Wonder Boy." His eyes widened at my outburst, but I just kept talking. "It's not impossible to overcome the feeling of murder, that's just some damn excuse for psychopaths so they have something to blame for their addiction. It's your choice and your choice only weather or not you want to give yourself over to the darkness, and it's also your choice if you want to stay. If someone says they can't overcome the darkness, it means that they don't want to!"

"Well what about you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. "You've murdered before! Have you chosen to go to the dark side, or are you just wading in the edge, looking and laughing at everybody else!"

A smirk covered my face. "Oh I'm laughing all right, laughing at all of the weak minded people who have so little self worth that they turn themselves over and fall to evils knees." I couldn't fight the actual laughs. "I, on the other hand, am strong enough to stay away. Every murder I commit, every crime that is done by me, is all my choice!"

"But your choices are wrong!" He argued, but that just made me even more angrier.

"And who are you to judge that?" I snapped again. "If you had a problem with the way I do things, then maybe you should have brought me onto your planet and into the goddamn city you protect! I certainly didn't ask to come here, it was something you offered to do, so if you have issues with me, then feel free to send me home!"

"You know we're not going to do that." Cyborg reassured as if he thought it was what I wanted to hear. "We promised to help you, and that's just what we are going to do."

Raven jumped in next. "Yeah, I haven't been putting up with you all this time to just blindly send you back to your planet with no goals reached."

"Well I never asked for you to 'put up' with me!" I practically spat those words back in her face. "The longer you guys keep me here, the harder I'm going to push to make your lives a living hell. So maybe you should ask yourself, is it really worth it?"

Poor Starfire, who had been watching this pointless fight the whole time with a horrified expression on her face, finally stepped forward. "Please friends, must we always fight about the same things?" I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I just want things to go back to the way they were before!"

"You and me both sister." I mutter under my breath.

I was surprized when she actually gave me a weak smile. "I mean, I want things to go back to normal, but with you included with us." She reaches out and extends her hand. "Please, my friend, just try to see our ways, and we can help you! When I came to earth, the Titans were nice to me, and we are trying to be nice to you also. Can you please return the kindness back?"

Usually, her innocent tone would make anybody cave in, but not me. "Why would I ever be kind to the people who took me from my home and forced me to be something I'm not."

And with that, I swirled around on my heels and staked back toward the car, leaving the team behind without even caring. I knew I had hurt Starfire, I knew I hurt everybody, but it wouldn't last. Nothing lasted with these people, it was like grudges didn't even exist! One second their pissed, the next their playing Speed Racers on the TV with each other and laughing the tension away. It was certainly a different atmosphere, something I've never experienced before, but I still preferred my home over this shithole.

Still, Stars kindness shocked me. After everything I've just said, about me being a cold blooded murderer, she still attempted to be nice to me. Nobody has ever done that before, not even my closest friends back home. What was I suppose to do after this, just ignore it and continue to treat them like weaklings?

This whole kindness thing was to much to handle.

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