Jail time

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This story is for ArtemisSilver478 because I promised her a Deathshipping story.
I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh except for my characters.

Ryou watched as the police took Melvin to jail. It was all because that somebody had accused him of killing Tea. But he was at home last night when that happened. Melvin tried to explain he didn't do and the police said that his was said as the questioned Duke.

"I'm telling you I was at home by that time with my boyfriend.", Melvin said as they handcuffed him.

"Tell it to the judge.", Officer Brandon said as he shoved him in the car.

Ryou got in his car and drove after the police car. When they gotten there they had already put Melvin in a cell. And they had let Ryou talk to him.

"Why couldn't Duke tell the truth about who the real killer is.", Ryou said crying.

"It's okay Ry, I'll be out in no time I promise.", Melvin said putting his hand on the glass pretending to touch Ryou's cheek.

"But your always being accused of things that you didn't do!", Ryou said as he managed to choke through his sobs.

Melvin thought about something as he remembered Ryou was about to tell him something.

"What was you going to tell me Ry?", Melvin asked.

"I was going to tell you that....", Ryou said nervously.

"Tell me what?", Melvin asked curiously.

"That you're going to be a father.", Ryou whispered as he turned away.

"Ryou that's great.", Melvin said happily.

Ryou looked at happily and wished that this never had happened.

"Visiting hours are over. I need you all to leave.", Officer Brandon said as he took Melvin back into his jail cell.

With Ryou.

Ryou called Malik but didn't get an answer.

Then he tried to call Bakura and didn't get answer from him.

This is my first chapter sorry it's short. Comment or suffer.

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