Court part 2

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I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh except for my characters.

Today is the final month of Melvin's trial. Everyone was waiting for Judge Hamitoru to come in. Officer Brandon had his arms cross starring at Melvin and Yami. Tristan and the Jury felt guilty about what happened to Ryou 4 months ago.

"All rise for Judge Hamitoru.", Officer Brandon said as Judge Brandon walked in.

"Welcome back for the final half of the trial for the murder of Tea Gardner. Today the Jury will choose whether Melvin is guilty kr not.", Judge Hamitoru said.

"So Melvin where were you during the murder?", Tristan asked.

"I was at home eating dinner with my boyfriend.", he said calmly.

"So where were you after that?", Tristan asked.

"I went to watch a movie.", Melvin said.

"Jury do we have a decision?", Judge Hamitoru asked.

"We have proved that Melvin is not guilty.", a person said.

"See now you don't have to be in jail,", Tristan said.

With Ryou

Ryou was sitting in the baby's room and he then felt a sharp pain rip through his belly.

"Be patient little one.", Ryou said as he placed a hand on his belly.

Then his water broke while he was getting up from the rocking chair. Then he then called his dad to take him to the hospital.

With Melvin

"Hello?", Melvin said as he answered his phone while getting in the car.

"Melvin it's Marik. Ryou's in labor.", Marik said as he heard Ryou's yelling about getting the baby out of him.

"I'm on my way.", Melvin said hanging up.

At the hospital

"Breathe Ryou.", Marik said as Melvin walked in.

"How is he?", Melvin asked worried.

"In a lot of pain.", Marik said.

"Hello I'm Dr.Thomas I'll going to help with the birth.", she said walking in and started to get Ryou prepared for delivery.

After the birth

"Congratulations you have a healthy baby girl.", Dr.Thomas said.

"She's beautiful.", Ryou said exaughsted.

"You should rest.", Melvin said as he took the baby from him.

They had already decided to name her Twilight Lily Ishtar. She had Ryou's skin color and straight hair and beautiful light colored blond hair. She had Melvin's eye color but it was lighter than his.

"She's perfect.", Melvin said as Ryou fell asleep.

Twilight cooed at him and yawned cutely. And her Daddy rocked her to sleep and placed her in the crib.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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