Chapter 8

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Natsu's Pov:

"Hey, Luce"

"Hey, Natsu"

It was currently lunch time and our friends weren't here today , so Luce, and I decided to eat on top of the roof for lunch.

"So, Natsu what's inside your lunch?"

I simply opened my lunch grinned, while Lucy looked confused.

"It's just chicken, and hot sauce"

"Yep, but it's not just any chicken, it came from a special magical chicken that breathes fire. "

I said while pouring practically the whole bottle of hot sauce onto the mystical chicken.

Taking a bite I looked of at Luce, to see her between sweatdropping, and laughing her ass off.

"W-who told that it was a magical chicken? "

"Gray" I said without hesitation.

Lucy's reaction was... well she just exploded.

"A-nd you believed h-him?!"

"Yep, but by the way your laughing am guessing there isn't a special magical chicken that breathes fire is there"

I said slightly depressed.

'Dammit, and it was just fixing to be hunting season!' I internally yelled.
Lucy's Pov:

'I couldn't believe that Natsu believed Gray, yeah sure he is Natsu, but this is just sad.'

I thought while I continued laughing, before I was interrupted.

"Well what's, so great about your lunch then? "

Natsu asked clearly upset that I ruined the mystical chicken for him.

I completely finished laughing at this point, and showed him my own lunch.

Too say he was shocked was an understatement. What was in my lunch was a strawberry milkshake.

My lunch bag, was a mini cooler, So my milkshake wasn't as melted as it would have been.

"Just a milkshake?" he asked like he expecting some gigantic buffet in my bag, knowing him he probably was.

"Yup, just a milkshake" I answered as I took it out, and started drinking it, while Natsu ate his magical chicken in practically on bite.

"That was good" he said while rubbing his stomach.

"Did, you even chew your food? "

"Honestly I don't remember" he responded causing me to once again sweatdrop.
"Ah" I said, as I stretched out my bones, it was the end of the day. Levy, and the others never did show up to school.

'And I really wanted to tell her about the magical fire chicken'

I thought slightly disappointed.

"LUUUUCCCCEEE!!" I didn't even turn around, because I already knew who was calling me.

"Luce! Gray said you were stupid" was what her said to me, when he finally caught up.

"He what? Why ?"

"He said you were stupid for not believing in the fire chicken. Here"

He said, proceeding to thrust his phone, in my face. As I read word for word, and that's what he said.


"Luce, only I can called Gray, Ice names"

He said more like whined.

'I will never understand their relationship'

I thought. On the way home we stopped at the ice cream parlor, and got ice cream of course.
Natsu, had spilt his ice cream onto me, and cried for pretty much an hour, about how first I ruin the magic chicken, then ice cream.

Which I then proceeded, to hit him, and walk out the store.
I heard someone's footsteps behind me, but didn't turn around.

When suddenly a arm wrapped itself around my shoulder.

I traveled up the arm to see no other than Natsu, and he was grinning at me for some reason.

"You know Luce, you actually couldn't ruin ice cream, because with you everything is better. " he said with his grinning getting wider if possible.

"Y-yeah whatever"

I said with my fave getting hotter by the second.

'I can let my guard down with this one, or I might actually catch fire'

Was the only thought on my mind, as we walked towards my apartment, I couldn't help, but smile at the fact he admitted he enjoys my company.

Author's Note: Here's the next chapter hope you enjoy it. Bye~✌

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