Chapter 9

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Raf walked around the game store looking at everything, he lead Bumblebee through every row. Finally he stopped and started reading game labels. The store was crowded with all ages of people, and Bee made sure he kept a close eye on Raf. The boy started wandering down the aisle while some kids ran past him. Bumblebee stepped aside as they shoved past him, and he stumbled against the shelf causing things to fall. He sighed, looked in Rafs direction, then bent down and picked up the fallen items.

After putting the things back on the shelf, he looked back at Raf, only to find that he was gone. The Scout looked around for the boy, he didn't see him. He searched every aisle, there were kids everywhere but no sign of Raf. He searched the store again, but didn't see the boy, his heart started beating faster, and panic started to rise inside of him.
The Scout ran out of the store and looked around, he yelled in silent frustration.

"Bee!" The Scout whirled around looking above the people. He barely saw the top of Rafs head, or what looked like it, disappear into the crowd across the mall. Bumblebee took his chances and ran after who he hoped was Raf. When someone got in his way he shoved past them, and they yelled angrily.

"Bumblebee!" The Scout ran faster, he could see a man had Raf, but he wasn't sure who it was. He pushed himself to go faster, the people he shoved aside fell to the ground.

Smokescreen and Arcee were walking next to each other, when someone ran between them and pushed Smokescreen aside.

"Hey! Watch it!" He yelled as the man ran off. "I'll teach you to push me." He barely took a step when Arcee stopped him.

"Wait." She looked at the man that had pushed them, he turned slightly to avoid a vender. "That's Bee." She gasped, and she ran after him. The other two followed as Arcee zigzagged around people.

Bumblebee watched as the man got in line to go down the escalator. He paused for a second, and looked around frantically, he had to get to the bottom before they did. He spotted a flight of stairs and practically jumped off of them. People yelled as he ran past, some women shrieked in surprise. As soon as he was at the bottom he ran as fast as he could to the escalator, and stopped right in front as the man got ready to step on with Raf.

"Bumblebee!" Raf yelled. The man looked at him and glared. Bumblebee took a step forward and the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at the Scout. Everyone ran off the escalator, screaming as they did. Pretty soon it was just Raf and the man at the top, and Bumblebee at the bottom.

Arcee stopped at the rail and peered down into the crowd watching Bumblebee, as Smokescreen quickly and quietly walked to the escalator.

"Don't move Scout or I shoot the boy." The man said pointing the gun at Rafs head. Bumblebees eyes narrowed, he knew that voice anywhere.

"Starscream." Arcee growled quietly. The con stepped onto the escalator and started to descend. Smokescreen stopped at the top of the escalator, and calculated in his head what the best thing to do would be.

"Step aside." The con said as they were almost half way down.

He tightened his grip on the boy, which made him whimper, and Bumblebee stepped aside without taking his eyes off the man. Smokescreen knew what he had to do, and he hoped his gamble would pay off instead of backfire. He stepped onto the escalator and started to walk down as quickly as he could.

Starscream turned around and fired at the bot, Smokescreen felt a burning in his abdomen. His hand flew to his side as he fell back on the stairs. While Starscream was temporarily distracted, Bumblebee lunged forward and punched him in the jaw as hard as he could. The con fell back dropping the gun which fell between the two escalators, Bee grabbed the boy and held him close.

They backed away as the con came to the bottom. The security guards rushed forward, stopped the escalator and took the con away in cuffs. Arcee and Jack ran down the now standing still stairs, to take care of Smokescreen. He groaned and winced in pain as he looked at the wound.
"We have to get out of here before they take him to the hospital, and start asking questions." Jack whispered to the both of them, Arcee nodded and looked at Bumblebee. The boy was holding onto him for dear life, and Bee was breathing heavily because of running so hard and the adrenaline rush.

"Can you get up?" She asked the injured man.

"Ya...I don't feel so good though." He said making a funny face.

"You've been shot, of course you won't feel good." Jack said as they hopped down the stairs, and stood next to Bumblebee.

"We need to get out of here." Arcee said as they heard sirens in the distance.

The Scout nodded, he took his jacket off, tied it around Smokescreens waist and took him from them. The injured man put one arm over Bees shoulder and held on to his side with his free hand. Arcee and Jack led the way with Raf walking just behind.

Bumblebee made sure Raf was in front of him, as they walked out the store. Smokescreen bit his lower lip in pain, he wanted to just get to the base, but they were stopped by police and others who insisted they take him somewhere. When Smokescreen felt himself slipping into unconsciousness, he grabbed Bees shirt with his now bloody hand to keep from falling.

"I'm not going to last much longer." He whispered through gritted teeth.

Bumblebee remembered something Agent Fowler had given them, while lifting Smokescreen up a little bit, he grabbed something out of his pocket, and adjusted to get a better hold on his friend. He then handed the thing to Jack, because Arcee was currently arguing with a police man, who had stopped them for the hundredth time. Jack looked at what Bee had given him, and quickly showed it to the cops.

"Oh...I'm sorry agents, go right on through." He said awkwardly as he read the paper. "But I want to hear from your superiors!"

"Don't worry you will." Arcee called back as they hurried away. They finally got to Bee and Smokescreen cars. The Scout unlocked his car and carefully laid his friend in the back seat, who was fading fast. Arcee got the keys to Smokescreens car, after searching him for it, and the kids got into the other car.

"Bee drive as fast as you can but be careful. Please." Arcee said, the Scout nodded and got in the car. As she was getting into the other, he peeled out and sped off. She hoped he made it in time.

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