Chapter 19

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The sound of shouting woke the doctor from his restless sleep. He groggily opened his eyes and slowly sat up as people came into the room. An angry looking man with gray hair and beady eyes walked into the room.

"Get him up." The man growled.

Four drones moved forward and yanked the doctor up. Rachet elbowed one in the gut and punched another in the face. The other two grabbed one of his arms and held him still. The medic struggled against their grip. The man walked over and punched the doctor in the stomach. He groaned in pain and bent over.

"The reason your here doctor, is because Shockwave needs you're help." The man growled. The doctor looked up and glared at the man.

"I'll never help you Megatron, or your men." Rachet seethed. The man growled angrily and punched him in the stomach again. He fell to one knee and coughed.

"You will if you ever want to become a Cybertronian again." He growled.

"A likely story." Rachet said smirking.
Megatron growled and punched him again. He coughed again and fell to both knees.

"I don't have patience for this. But I suppose if you know, you might change your mind. Shockwave took some earthling DNA and figure out how to make Cybertronian." He said smiling evilly, the medic narrowed his eyes. "Earth will make a great second home, don't you think? Once every person becomes like us." He said wickedly.

"Except something went wrong when he launched it into the atmosphere." Knockout grumbled.

" doctor. Are you ready to become a Cybertronian again?" He asked smiling evilly. Rachet glared at him again as he thought of what the Desepticons were asking him to do.

"Become a Cybertronian and kill a whole planet in the process? Not on your life." Rachet seethed.

Megatron growled and punched him in the face. He grabbed the doctors hair and yanked his head back so he could look at him. The medic glared angrily at the other man, as blood trickled out of the side of his mouth.

"I would advise you to cooperate and work with the good scientist." He said angrily. Rachet glared at him and spat in his face.

"I'd rather die." He seethed. Megatron yelled angrily and punched the doctor again. The villain got up and walked to the door. He stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"I have other methods of persuasion." He said smiling wickedly.

The villain laughed darkly and left the cell. The drones shoved the doctor to the ground and left. He coughed again and shakily propped himself up with one elbow. He felt someone grab his hair again and pull his head back. He glared as he looked up at Knockout.

"Megatron doesn't know about this beauty yet, but I do." He sneered as he pulled out a picture of June walking to her car. Rachet felt his heart skip a beat and his eyes narrowed.

"You wouldn't want something to happen to her, would you?" He smirked. The doctor clenched his fists as he felt anger flow through him. "Do what they tell you and I'll make sure nothing happens. If you refuse she may end up missing one day." He said wickedly.

The doctor straightened up a little, and with what strength he had left, he punched the con right in the nose. The con yelled and he held his bleeding nose.

"Don't you touch her!" Rachet seethed and he punched the con in the gut.

The villain groaned and glared at him, then he grabbed the doctors shirt collar. Rachet hit him in the face again as hard as he could. Knockout yelled again and fell backwards. Two drones walked in after hearing the commotion and helped the con up. He shrugged them off and glared at the prisoner before leaving.

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