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Hold it together,
Birds of a feather,
Nothing but lies and crooked wings,
I have the answer,
Spreading the cancer,
You are the faith inside me.
Don't leave me to die here,
Help me survive here,
Don't remember,

Breaking Benjamin, Evil Angel


Sunlight was what woke her up.

It hadn't been the numerous of voices that were just audible from wherever she was. It hadn't been the random animalistic noises that occasionally decided to be heard. It wasn't the laughter, the shouting, nor a groan from someone else that shared the same place as her.

It was someone leaving.

Her eyes snapped open the second that the first rays of sunshine splashed across her face. She stared, blinded, as whoever was leaving left, pulling aside what looked like a piece of fabric to allow themselves time to exit before disappearing. Dots danced across her vision and they increased when she sat up, lifting up the tattered and stained blanket that had been resting across her.

Once the dots had disappeared somewhat, she studied her surroundings. She recognized the insides of a tent, everything cramped and unorganized as if whoever owned it had just shoved it into whatever place that it fit. Light filtered in from holes in the damaged roof. Fury was currently on a simple cot that was on a wooden mattress; it wasn't all that comfortable and the pillow that she had been given was loosing straw already. Crates and boxes were spilling their contents all over the place, which was mostly bandages or clothes. Medical supplies were scattered everywhere, so Fury assumed that she was in a medical tent. It explained why bandages were wrapped about her wounded arm, only allowing her to lift it but so high, and why other random places she could briefly remember having scratches or scrapes were also. Someone nearby groaned again; she sat straighter and looked around until she found someone curious.

She leaned forward to see the person more as she slipped off the side of the bed that she was on. Her feet shuffled through the dirt as she tested out her reflexes with her bandaged arm, creating a fist with her hand and wincing as pain shot up though her arm. When she was close enough, she stole the small bowl of water resting near the groaning man and checked to see its sanitation before sipping it slowly to ease her parched state.

A man laid on another bunk, grunting. His fingers twitched as if he was in a dream, a few muscles in his arm doing the same. Greasy blond hair, dirty from not being washed, was messed up greatly on top of a chiseled face, the beginnings of a five-o'clock shadow around his mouth. Blood stained his forehead and Fury couldn't help but to reach out, sympathetically brushing aside some of the darken bangs that stuck to the spot. The man was dressed in a simple white t-shirt that was muddied and colored from blood, jeans ripped and torn covering his legs. His feet had a white clothe over them -boots laid nearby on a desk. As if to make things even worse, a pair of duel wield swords sheathed in two leather scabbards hanging from a nail on one of the two wooden poles holding up the tent were clearly his; the same leather to make the scabbards were used to create his belt.

She glanced over him once more, noticing the darker stains of blood on his shirt. Most of his right arm was wrapped with the same bandage as her own arm and one of his knees had suffered the same fate judging by the blood coloring the hole in his jeans there. As the Horsewoman was studying the man, she noticed a bracelet about his wrist. Interested, she took the brightly colored, almost childish bracelet and leaned down to study it more, taking in the girlish colors there.

What was a man like this doing with something like that?

Fury was still looking at the bracelet when she something grabbed her wrist. Panic flashed through her like lightening. Her gaze flickered up to where she knew the man's face was; brown eyes, slightly wild in nature, were focused on her with an utmost intensity. She was just starting the beginnings of an apology when the man threw her wounded arm that he had grabbed to the side, causing her to yelp out in pain. Her head snapped up just in time to see a fist hurtling in her direction.

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