Mon frere jumeau

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{ A/N: This IS set in during the French Revolution time, where at that time was brutal and gory, but I'll try my best not write TOO much violence in this story, I can't guarantee! SO THIS IS YOUR WARNING NOW! }

Author's P.O.V

Here stood two twin brother's, side-by-side, looking at each others eyes.

Sky blue eyes met with (darker/lighter) blue eyes.

Laced with happiness in them both, they finally were requited at long last, not able to see each other due to under harsh circumstances that made them both separate at childhood.

Going to their own different paths, they lived their lives differently and evidently, grown to fine, independent men's.

However, both brother's could vaguely recall each other from such long ago and it was only that the same appearance they shared, that they made the final connection when they crossed each others path one day.

They were twins.

Two long-distance brothers somehow manage to find the other missing pair.

And together at long last, the last pieces were nicely fitted into the puzzle perfectly.

France's P.O.V

Sitting at the outside table that I had excessively placed in the bottom floor's large patio, I quietly sipped my tea and gently placed it back to the saucer. Then, I glanced up at my other twin sibling, (y/n), who stood there, smiling and patiently waiting for me to finish my tea before refilling it again.

'Its been so long since we have seen each other, am I right, Frère?', I smiled to myself as I looked at the untouched sweets in front of me, recalling some memories..


I sat in a fields of flowers and grass and talked to Arthur, who dressed in clad of fancy green, and soon after, he said he had to leave.

Waving me off, Arthur turned around and walked off in the opposite directions. Tightening my blue dress, I narrowed my eyes as I continued watching Arthur walk off.

I felt a ping of sadness welt inside my heart, but vanish as I saw my twin in the corner of my eyes, (y/n), coming over to me and hand me a glass bottle that was filled with a single four-leaf clover.

He smiled at me once I accepted his gift and gradually, he hugged me back then whispered, "Its Okay, Francis, you got me still", and that made me truly smile more.

I still have my brother,

(Y/n) Bonnefoy.


Your P.O.V

Standing there still, you glanced down at your older brother who was staring off to space, and frowned at the sight that Francis wasn't eating his brioche.

"Francis, What's wrong?", you gently asked him and he snapped back to reality.

"O-oh..Its nothing, (y/n)! Haha..", Francis jumped and sheepishly smiled at you. You knitted your brows more when Francis told you to dismiss that thought by saying it was nothing and that you shouldn't worry about it.

You sighed.

You were very concerned for your other half and his well being.

.:Later at Night:.

You quietly held Francis' held as he slept through the night. He didn't like it when you weren't in the room with him when fast asleep.

You huffed and cheekily smiled.

France x Male!Twin! Reader ~ Serviteur du malWhere stories live. Discover now