Regret and Remorse

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(A/n: oop- a whole couple of years later that im finally finishing this story for good lol)

Arthur's P.O.V

Its been long ago since the French Revolution ended.

I can't remember how long its been, but...

Only (m/n) Bonnefoy knows how long its been since the revolution concluded.

However, lately, I noticed that (y/n) seems...familiar the way that stupid Frog use to act before in the past.

High and noble

But I guess that was a coincidence since he was the younger brother of Francis. He must've taken after his brother's traits when he died in order to cope with the loss of his brother; being an exact copy, a twin to Francis, seeing his face - your's -haunting you everyday in the mirror, reminding you daily of whom you lost dearly.

I crinkled my nose, accidentally digging up a very painful memory of my previous lover at the same time. Sighing, I shook my head in disbelief.

'There is no reason for the sudden change of personality, right?', I questioned myself as I began walking slowly down a hallway, my arms folded behind my back.

Somehow, I found myself standing front of a giant window when I was lost in thought, overlooking outside of my manor's garden - a sea of green and colorful shrubbery plastered here and there, stretching out far beyond the horizon I can perceive. I felt a sad but also a peaceful small smile forming on my lips. This garden was my (beloved name) most treasured place.

Reminiscing through my lifespan of memories, I tried recalling when the sudden change with (m/n) happened.

'It must've been a year or two after the execution of Francis Bonnefoy. That must be precisely the time of the flipped traits of his old self', I pondered and brought a singular finger to my lips as I continued digging around in my own mind.


* Flashback: A year after the execution of Francis *

I stood in the plaza that originally held the execution momentum of the old King of France, Francis Bonnefoy. I looked straight where the gullitone was standing before and I bared my mouth closed as I recalled the end of (beloved name from previous chapter)'s life.

'Good riddance of that bastard', I disdainfully thought to myself. I found out soon after the death of Francis that it was him who called for the assasination on my departed love. I was even more furious about the confirmation of my suspicion that it was indeed Francis' order to rid this world of (beloved name).

Francis needed to pay the price and it was his own life that paid for it.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean my (beloved name) won't ever come back to me - Begrudgingly I accepted that fact that I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with them anymore as I planned for. I've lost too many people whom I've held too dear in my lifetime to hold onto such silly ideals anymore.

Suddenly I felt a semi-cold hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my venomous mindplace.

I turned to the body of the said appendage that placed itself on my shoulder and I was taken aback. My mouth dropped but very soon i clenched my jaw altogether. A fire of hatred resparking in me once more.

There standing in front of me....

Was Francis Bonnefoy.

Scowling harshly, I turned around completely to fully face him and grabbed the front part of his shirt, thrusting him a little towards me just close enough for me to see his face front and clear.

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