Mon frere jumeau {2}

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"We're twins, (y/n). Two found twin brother's at last!"

Your P.O.V

Francis happily announced to you.

When you heard that, you almost fell forward and landing on your face. However, you kept a strict composure that allowed you not to fall.

However, Francis skipped towards to you and grasped your hands.

And cried.

He was happy to find out instantly that you two were twins.

You grinned at your long-found brother and laughed. He joined along with you and placed his forehead against yours, blond bangs brushed against each other.

Staring happily at each others blue eyes, Francis let go of your hands and moved his hands towards your temple.

Gently holding your temple between his hands, Francis sobbed out in joy as you continued to gently smile on.

When he finally stopped crying, Francis took hold of your hands again, and grinned.

You huffed and gently said,

"I'm back home, Brother"


.: End of Flashback, onto the throne room!:.

Regular P.O.V

Francis' sat himself comfortably in his throne and (y/n) walked in, bowing to him.

"...(y/n)?", Francis bluntly asked him.

"Yes, your majesty?", (y/n) continued to bow, listening to his brother's order.

Francis, still not moving, smiled gently as he said, "We're going to have a ball tonight! How does that sound?"

You watched your brother get giddy for a while there and slumped your shoulders in amusement.

Soon after, You went to your knees and said, "Whatever you wish, Francis, I'll make it happen", and got up.

You saw him happily squirm in his throne as the blueness in his eyes brighten more.

As you were about to turn away to prepare the ball in a short amount of hours, You glanced over your shoulders again and looked away, smiling.

'He's such a child sometime..Ah, ah bon', you smirked, leaving Francis alone in the room to celebrate by himself, and closed the door.


.:Night Time:.

Regular P.O.V

Francis was chatting with one the patrons at the ball and acted like his usual self.

(y/n), on the sidelines, smiled at Francis' smiling face.

He wanted to see more of that face than a sad Francis, so (y/n) will do anything to keep his brother's happiness in order.

Anything to the point where he might even kill someone...


'He had to get rid of that one, once and for all'


.: A month later:.

(y/n) P.O.V

You were currently walking home from the local markets in town, disguised by clothing into one of the town's citizens attire. You couldn't afford being caught outside the wall, not ever.

France x Male!Twin! Reader ~ Serviteur du malWhere stories live. Discover now