Bonsoir, Frère {3}

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Your P.O.V

Gripping the knife tightly to my chest, You hopped down into the well and saw someone faced away from me.

Wanting to know who that someone is, you gripped their shoulders and your face immediately fell.

"(n-name?)", you stuttered out.

'This was not', your brain said and went blank soon after.

Faintly, you heard (name) laugh, "Well..this is certainly a surprise. I did not foresee this coming! My, my, this was a little too early, even for me to handle!", (name) nervously looks up at you.

(S/he) could only see faint tears already formed in your glossy (d/l) blue eyes. And also the dagger that was pressed against your chest.

"A-and I see that you came well prepared, huh?", (name) distantly backs up. And when (s/he) felt the well's brick wall, (her/his) (e/c) eyes began to welt up.

Stepping forward, you shakily move your body towards (her/him) and when you got close to (her/him), you wrapped your arms (her/his) neck.

Tightly squeezing (her/his) neck, you grossly sobbed into (her/his) shoulder, which caused (name) to jump in surprise.

(S/he) made a conclusion about something and asked, "You were ordered to kill my beloved one, weren't you?", (her/his) voice softens, relaxing in the process.

Only nodding, you continued to tightly hold (name) in your arms and bawled.

Smiling softly, (name) knew you weren't a murder and was accepting now that (s/he) was going to die peacefully in your arms.

Of course, there was no way around it. You had to kill (her/him) or be killed.

Mumbling through (her/his) navy blue (dress/tailcoat), you numbly apologized to (name) over and over, 'sorry that I'm going to take your life so soon'

Which (name) shook (her/his) head 'no' and continued to stroke your blonde (s/m/l) hair.

Despite knowing (s/he) was going to die in a few minutes, (name) told you some secrets like, "(y/n)? You know your target is the man in clad green? And not me? What would you tell your king then, that his actual target is still moving? Would you be willing to accept the punishment and the sins of killing an innocent?", (name) harden towards the question.

You also wondered too, but you knew from the start, that no matter what, you had to accept the consequences sooner or later.

Feeling you stopped shaking, (name) closed (her/his) eyes and forever not open them. Then, (s/he) smiled in content and whispered, "Go ahead"

You clicked your tongue and, unfortunately, plunged the dagger into (name)'s heart.

With one last breath, (name) shakily muttered, "Forgive and forget, Okay, (y/n)?", and fell forward into your own arms.

Holding the limp and lifeless body, your body began to violently shake. You couldn't hold back anymore, you screamed in pain and cried your eyes out.

Clutching, rocking back and forth, the dead (name)'s body, you burrowed your face into (her/his) neck, desperately not wanting to see your cold-heart brother.


.:A week later:.

Still shaken up from your previous order, you reluctantly crawled back to work. Going to the throne room again, you opened the door, closed it, and walked to Francis, who was sitting there, one knuckle under his bearded chin, and was looking at you walk in.

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