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The big wooden door is opened before me and I am led inside. The brightness of the room fills my eyes, I look around me, nervously taking in my surroundings. Many faces look back at me as I enter, their eyes cutting into my skin, their glares unbearable. I avert my eyes from their gaze and walk where I am led to the side of the court. I notice two empty thrones at the front of the room, I thought she would have come. Once I have sat down I hear everyone turn away from my direction and instead look towards the door. I look up to notice Flaming red hair, loose around a waist of white silk. With her head held high she walks down the hall, every eye on her, a few murmurs fill the air as she walks past. Suddenly she notices me and I tear my face away as quick as a lightning bolt, I swear I can't even bear to look at her, my body fills with anger and disgust every time I do.

She is led to the opposite side of the court where she is seated so that everyone can see her. An old man walks in soon after followed by other men that I recognise to be lords to the Queen. They sit down on a long table at the front of the court, wait for the murmurs to die down and then begin.

"Today we are all here to test, collect evidence and decide the faith and future of the Queens sister the lady Elizabeth, by order of her majesty the Queen. Lord Byron will speak first." I recognise my questioner as he stands up from the corner of the room and makes his way to the front of the court.

"Thank you, my Lord. First I would like to bring to the stand as my first witness Emily Barker." Who is that? I wonder as I search for the woman who has been called. A head of blonde hair pops up a couple of rows in front of me and the woman makes her way to the stand. When I finally see her I recognise her pale features and plain face. She was one of the maids at Hatfield!

"Emily Barker." Lord Byron says as he holds out a Bible before her. She puts her hand lightly on it with confidence apart from the slight shake of her fingers. "Do you swear before God and everything that is holy to say the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." She replies and he puts the book down, returning then to his place at the front of the court.

"Is it true that you were the lady Elizabeth's maid at her home at Hatfield, given to her by her majesty the Queen?"

"It is, sir." She replies. Her voice filled with a slight northern accent that makes her sound more confident than she looks.

"Tell me, miss Barker. Did you notice anything about her Grace the time she was there? Anything odd or suspicious?" The girl clears her throat before she speaks.

"Yeah, I did in fact, sir, many a time. She'd refuse to go to mass, sometimes sayin' she was unwell when I knew she weren't, sir." A few gasps were sounded in the crowd and the audience started quietly talking amongst themselves. "I walked into her room once, sir. She was writing something but as soon as I enter, she hides it underneath her hand." Her lack of education shows in the way she speaks as she pronounces words wrong, but nothing can distract me from the things she is saying, she is setting Elizabeth's fate.

"What was the letter, do you know?"

"Nah, I don't, sir. But it was around the same time as the uprising, sir. I think it was to that man. I think she was plotting with him."

"Tell me, miss Barker, what else did her Grace do to you in particular that made you think her as not a good heir to the throne, what signs did she show?" Emily swallows again.

"She would always be with Robert Dudley, always touching his hand giving him the eye, I never thought it very good to be doing that, especially an unmarried woman."

"Do you believe that they were together in ways an unmarried woman shouldn't?" Emily pauses as she decides how to answer the next question. It is obvious to me that Byron had been questioning Emily before today. He had already told her what to say. After a whiles pause she finally replies.

"I do." The court errupts with noise, shouts and contempt fill the room and I listen as each curse word bounces off the walls and smacks Elizabeth round the face. Everything else Emily has said is probably true but I know for a fact that Elizabeth has never laid with that vile man. I take a quick glance at her and notice that even though all these things had been said about her her confidence is unwavering.

"Thank you." Lord Byron says as Emily Barker is taken from the stand. The Lord's talk amongst themselves for awhile as they jot things down until the shouting finally becomes silent. "Next I would like to bring to the stand my next witness, Lord Hartley." Oh God, Elizabeth's Catholic advisor. Who better to confirm what Emily Barker has just said. He walks up to the stand and places his hand upon the Bible. He makes his vow and then the questions begin.

"Lord Hartley, you were appointed by her majesty the Queen to be Elizabeth's Catholic advisor, teach her and introduce her to the true faith. Is this correct?"

"It is." He replies, his voice gruff and deep.

"Could you tell me, in all the months that you were with Elizabeth how many times did she go to mass?"

"At the start she went a few times but then stopped altogether, claiming she had headaches or fevers, once in the summer time she said she could not go because she was simply too hot. But in the last few weeks she never missed one."

"Why is that, Lord Hartley?" He asks his hand flinching at his side with excitement, knowing that he is so close to victory.

"Because she is guilty," shouts errupt in the room again but he speaks louder so that he can just be heared over top. "She knew that soon the queen would become suspicious and so she faked her beliefs so that the queen would think her loyal." Everything he just said is true I realise with contempt. Elizabeth is doomed, I never liked him but then when have I ever liked an over religious Catholic. He is taken down from the stand and the Lord's talk amongst themselves again until the noise dies down. When the court is once again silent Lord Byron picks up his Bible for the third time.

"I would now like to bring forward my third witness, Katherine Woodville." What?! Every face turns and looks at me.

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