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I bow the lowest that I can, my knees wobbling with the strain as I drop to the floor, my head facing down. I notice a thin strand of hair that falls in front of my face and I fight the urge to put it behind my ear, resisting the itch it is creating on my nose. I wait in silence, my knees begging to stand.

"Lord George, it is so good to see you after all this time." She finally says, her voice sounds heavy as if a weight is pulling it down and she is using all her strength to keep it. I stay in my position as she ignores me.

"Indeed, it has been too long, your majesty. I have missed your presence, it is like the light has been taken away from the earth." Mary cackles at his sickening statement and I roll my eyes as I listen to him sucking up to her like a starfish to a rock.

"Court is dull without you here, my Lord."

"All the more reason for me to return." She cackles again as I hear him kiss her hand. She is acting like a foolish fifteen year old, I see that age has not changed her towards men. Suddenly there is a silence again.

"Rise." I hesitate, when nothing happens I assume that she is talking to me and I stand up, lifting my head towards her. I am faced full on with the woman she has become. Her skin looks more sunken into her face, as if she hasn't eaten for days. Her cheek bones stick out from underneath her skin like the bones of a corpse. Her wrinkled skin only just covering them. Her ringed fingers are bony and lifeless, I almost cry at the look of her, she looks almost dead.

"Lady Woodville, it has been a long time since I saw you last. You look older." She stares at me as if she was examining a rotten apple. "How old are you?"

"Twenty six, your majesty."

"Twenty six!" She cries as if my age is a curse. "You should have been married long ago. If it wasn't for my silly little sister you would have been married years ago, she ruined your life, you know."

"Or saved it." Mary's whole expression drops and anger fills her face.

"You should be thanking the virgin Mary that you have found a man who will take you, God knows no one else will. You could be barren now, you are well over birthing age." I hold in my laughter as I realise what she just said. Phillip left a year ago and he hasn't returned since. He claimed he was leaving because she was barren, meaning she can't have children. She has been in denial ever since. A while back she claimed that she was with child. The bells chimed in every church all over England, however it turned out that it was just a tumour in her stomach, making it swell and appear like she was holding an heir.

"Forgive her, your grace. She talks before she thinks." George steps in, taking my hand in his.

"Yes, that has always Been one of her faults, among many." She licks her wrinkled lips, dampening them slightly. I try not to gag at the sight of her black teeth. "So, you wish to marry." She pauses as she examines us side by side. "Is it because of her estate, George, is that why you would go for a horrible wench like her?" I look up at him, desperate to know the answer of the same question I have been wondering for days. George pulls back suddenly, putting his hands up in front of him in denial.

"No, no, your majesty. I would never!" He looks down at me but I look away. I don't know what to believe anymore.

"I think you a fool," Mary replies as she turns away from us and walks towards her throne. "But if this is the woman you have chosen I shall not stop you, only God can." She sits down and looks at us. "It was nice to see you again, George." She smiles at me, a smile that lasts only a second, a mischievous, dangerous smile. "You may leave." We bow down low for one final time and then walk out, the great wooden doors shutting behind us. I instantly turn on him, pushing him away from me.

"What was that, why did you hesitate?!" I shout as I walk down the hall as fast as I can to get away from him, he follows behind me.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean! What do you want from me?" He suddenly grabs me by the shoulders, pushing me forcefully against the wall.

"You know full well that I love you, I would never lie to you and after we are married I shall prove it to you."

"How?" I ask.

"You can still run your business, I will not interfere at all and you will be able to pocket the profit." I laugh at him, as he pushes my shoulders harder against the stone.

"I thought you told me that when I become your wife I will start acting like a woman, sowing and doing womanly things." His cheeks turn red as he notices his slip up.

"I have no time for this!" He shouts as he lets me go. "Go to the gardens and cool yourself down. I will meet you there in twenty minutes." Then he turns on his heel and walks down the hall leaving me in silence. I rub the back of my shoulders in pain. Is what he said true? Would he leave me the business? I turn around and begin walking towards the garden, I do need the fresh air. Finally I reach the wooden door, I open it and reveal the strong smell of spring, with the rose bushes neatly trimmed and the grass cut I lean against the stone wall, letting the light breeze cool my anger.

I stand there for a while just thinking things over. Maybe my life with George won't be as bad as I think it will. He is a good man at heart, he will treat me better than many womens husbands.

Suddenly I hear footsteps. I take a deep breath, preparing my confrontation with George and thinking over what I will say in my head. I look up, fully prepared but instead I don't see George but a man with a big ginger beard and a nervous face walking towards me. He stops right in front of me, and I stare at him.

"Who are you?" I ask as he looks around him nervously.

"Well, when do we act, my lady." What is this man talking about?

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person."

"But this is where you said we should meet, my lady Woodville, please we..."

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I demand to know. The man looks at me with utter confusion.

"We have been exchanging letters for the last few months, my lady. It's me, Robert." What is going on? I stare at him but he carries on, desperate to make me remember something I don't know. "My lady if you wish to kill the queen we must do it now as planned." My blood drains from my entire body, confusion and shock consuming every part of me. Suddenly I hear a shout and a rush of voices as guards appear from the wooden door I just came through. They see me instantly and run towards me, before I can even react I feel a strong pair of hands grab me and push me to the floor. I try to scream but no sound escapes. They drag my body along the floor as I continue screaming in my pathetic struggle for release.

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