13 0 0

Few weeks later

I'm still single.

(Nathan) I'm single. I'm on computer for something.

Computer: bachelor.


We will need a guy bachelor for our next series.

(Nathan) I thought to myself. Why not I'm the next bachelor? I decided to applied.

Next day

New email from ChrisHarrison@ABC.net

Hey Nathan Scott. You are the next bachelor! Congratulations. We will need to talk more soon. Thanks.

Chris Harrison, Bachelor Director

Five weeks later

(Nathan) Today I'm leaving for bachelor show.

(Haley) kids and I will miss Nathan when he leaves.

Five hours later (Bachelor place)

Chris, I'm Nathan Scott.

Hey Nathan! Let's talk!

Next day

Today girls will be coming and meet you, Nathan.

Ok, Chris.

(Chris) today Nathan will be meeting girls and pick one of them as his future wife. Can't wait to see who he chooses!

Thirty minutes later

(Nathan) First girl arrived.

Hey Nathan. I'm Cassandra Houst.

Hey Cassandra.

Hey I'm Hailey Tern.

Hey Hailey. You have almost like my ex-wife's name.

Hey I'm Lena Sands.

Hey Lena.

Hey Nathan. I'm Jamie Sanders.

Wow. Hey Jamie. You have the girl version name of Jamie. I have oldest son, James, his nick name is Jamie. That's cool!

Other 20 girls arrived

Tonight's rose ceremony.

Four girls will be going home tonight. 20 girls will continue after today's rose ceremony. Nathan, you can start now.

(Nathan) it's little hard to decided who is going home. I don't really know those girls very well.

Lena, will you accept this rose?

Yes, Nathan. Thanks.

Amanda, will you accept this rose?

Yes, Nathan.

Jennifer, will you accept this rose?

Yes I will, Nathan!

Hailey, will you accept this rose?

Yes I will, Nathan!

Cassandra, will you accept this rose?

I will!

Kylie, will you accept this rose?

Yes. Thanks.

Jamie, will you accept this rose?


Leia, will you accept this rose?

Yes! I will always accept your roses!

Taylor, will you accept this rose?


Tamara, will you accept this rose?


Ashley, will you accept this rose?


Isabella, will you accept this rose?


Danielle, will you accept this rose?


Donna, will you accept this rose?

Yes, Nathan!

Rebecca, will you accept this rose?


Sandy, will you accept this rose?

Yes I will.

Elizabeth, will you accept this rose?


Penelope, will you accept this rose?

Yeah. Thanks.

Hannah, will you accept this rose?

Yes I will.

Nathan and ladies, this is last rose for tonight. Nathan, when you are ready.

Well. Sheri, will you accept this rose?


Allison, Tracy, Shannon, and Julie, take your goodbyes and leave.

(Haley) I'm hoping Nathan will pick a perfect future wife.

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