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Yes, Jack?

I want a sister, mama!

You already have one, Lydia, Jack.

I want other! Baby sister!

Uh. Maybe later or not.


Don't yell at your mother, Jackson Lucas Scott! I said maybe.


What's wrong, Hales?

Hi, Nate. Jack yelled at me and he wants a sister.

Oh. He have one.

He want more, Nathan.


Haley Bob James Scott and Nathan Royal Scott! James Lucas, Lydia Bob, Jackson Lucas Scott and baby!!

Mom and dad!

Hales!! I missed you.

Me too, mom.

How's your family, Hales?

They are good, dad. Here's Nathan.

Hi, Jimmy and Lydia.

Nathan! Good to see you again.

You too, Lydia.

Here's our kids, James Lucas, Lydia Bob, Jackson Lucas, and here's baby Jacob Royal Scott.

Aww. Jacob is so cute, Hales and Nathan!

Thanks, mom.

Grandma Lydia and grandpa Jimmy, why are you guys here and how long will you guys stay here?

Lyd, grandma Lydia and I am here because we want to see you guys again and our high school reunion is this Saturday. Your grandma Deb and grandpa Dan will be there too.

Cool, grandpa!

This Saturday

You looks so gorgeous, mom!

Thanks, baby Hales..

You are so handsome, Jimmy! Can we kiss, Jimmy? (Laughs)

Haha. You are the best son-in-law I have!

Hey Lydia.. You looks so gorgeous, wife!

Thanks. You are so handsome husband, James Edward James!

Thanks, Lydia Annette Brigard-James.

Tree Hill Reunion

Hey, sign your name here and tell us who are you guys.

Ok. I'm James E. "Jimmy" James and this is my wife, Lydia A. Brigard-James. We graduated here.

Oh okay. Enjoy yourselves!

Mister James and Miss Brigard?!

Uh. Yeah we are. Her name is Lydia James, we are married. Who are you?

Congratulations! I'm your third grade teacher, Mrs. Jane Troyers. I remembered when I always call you two- Mister James & Miss Brigard. Now I'm going to use first name stage- Jimmy James & Lydia Brigard James. Wow, you two are still the same.

Wow! You looked so different that we didn't recognized you! How are you, Mrs. Troyers?

Call me Jane because you guys graduated. I'm good. How are you guys, Jimmy and Lydia? Do you guys have kids?

One Tree Hill Families: Different SequelWhere stories live. Discover now