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I tapped the touch screen twice then looked at the mid-aged woman, "Will that be all for you, ma'am?"

She nodded, her hooped earrings followed. Mentally sighing, I jabbed Marou's side with the tip of my shoe. It's been a slow day and the poor boy was literally dozing off behind the counter. When I jabbed him, he yelped a bit then fell over stumbling.

My co-worker than raised to his feet slowly and looked at the screen, glaring at me in the process.


I returned the lady's credit card to her, "Not my fault you were sleeping on the job."

"A simple hey would've sufficed," he removed the empty blender from the machine.

"Now where's the fun in that?" I smiled at him, ripping the receipt before asking the lady to wait to the side.

I pulled my phone out, simply scrolling through my feed as the blender making the frappe became background noise.

Just as Marou set the drink down for the lady, the door opened again. I slid my phone into my apron pocket, ready to greet the customer. But I recognized that blonde hair anywhere...

"Naruto-kun? What are you doing here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

It's been three days since we started dating and if I'm being honest, three days since we spoke. He had to go somewhere with the soccer team for a game in the neighboring town. I locked myself in my dorm doing homework and trying to catch up.

I had no idea he was returning today, either.

I didn't miss the look the lady threw at him as he walked by with that warm smile of his.

"We haven't seen each other for 3 days and that's how you greet your boyfriend?" He leaned over the counter. "I was expecting something closer to maybe a kiss."

I blushed instantly at his comment. It was only three days but I completely forgot how weird he made me feel whenever I see him.

"Did you miss me, though?" Naruto asked.

Did I miss him? Well, a little bit since I'm so used to being alone. But now suddenly I have a boyfriend...

So sudden that it's almost unreal.

"Maybe a l-little," I shuttered.

A soft blush embraced his whiskered cheeks, "I forgot how cute your shutters were."


"If you guys kiss, I'm gonna yell censor," Marou's voice suddenly snapped me out of the trance Naruto put me in. Damn... he has so much control over me it's frightening.

"Why are you here though, Naruto-kun?" I asked, backing away a bit.

He stood up, "To see you and have another one of those killer peppermint mochas."

I turned to Marou but Naruto cut me off before I could tell my co-worker to begin, "Made by you."

"I taught him," I punched in his order. "So in a way it's like I made it."

"Key word: like," Naruto leaned down again, his ocean eyes looking directly into my pale eyes. "But still not Hinata which is unacceptable."


Marou agreed to man the cashiers while I sat down with Naruto for a few minutes. Naruto was doing some kind of math homework when I came to, setting the cup by his hand. He looked up, smiled and thanked me as I sat down with my own hot chocolate.

"I sure do miss this," he took a sip of the cup. "And you."

I blushed, "How was the game?"

"Nice and easy, barely challenging," my boyfriend sighed but I didn't miss the soft wince as he shifted his leg.

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Fine."

"Did you get hurt?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he chuckled. "Really."

I didn't believe him. I don't believe people easily; even if Naruto is my boyfriend. I suddenly kicked out, quite gently, with both my feet directly into his ankles.

"Ow! Hinata!" Naruto dropped his pencil. "Why did you do that?"

I knew it, "Your left ankle is broken."

"I told you it's fine."

"But Naruto-kun-"

"I don't need your help so stop offering it," Naruto suddenly snapped, making me flinch.

I blinked back the hurt but didn't say anything. I shut my mouth, completely confused at the way he acted.

It hurt more when he shut his book, stuff them in his backpack and stood up, "I'll call you later."

Then he left without saying anything, walking with a little limp.

What the hell was that about?

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now