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"A party?" Naruto, who was sitting across from me, exchanged a look of confusion with me. "Tonight?"

The guy with white hair smirked, "Yeah. Party tonight at my place, you in?"

"We never even talk Suigetsu," my boyfriend pointed out.

"But didn't I already tell you that it's a party to celebrate the soccer team's win?"

"I'm just not interested."

"But you used to love parties so much!" This Suigetsu guy sure doesn't know how to take 'no' for an answer, "Aw come on. I promise it's an only guys party."

I didn't miss the little flicker of a glance Naruto gave me and it didn't take me long to realize that the reason he's not going is because I'm not invited.

"I already to-"

"It's okay, N-Naruto-kun," I replied.

Suigetsu and Naruto both looked at me, confused. I faked a smile, "Go ahead. I d-don't want to be the one stopping you."

"But Hina-"

"Great!" Suigetsu gave me a giant toothy smile. "You got permission from your girl, Naruto. I'll see you at my place exactly 8 sharp."

Then he skipped out of the cafe just as fast as he came in.

Naruto didn't really glare at me but his gaze was a little unpleasant, "You didn't have to do that."

"I don't want to be the one to s-stop you from doing things you like," I forced a smile.

He reached across the table; taking my tiny hands in his warm bigger ones and now instead of looking a little annoyed, he was full out worried, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach but I can't be selfish with him. Naruto loves to party and there's no way I can stop that from helping him. I don't want Naruto to change just for me; I fell for him because he's the Naruto he is.

So I gave him a confident nod and a reassuring smile, "I'm sure."



I had to drag Sasuke and Shikamaru with me that night to the party. We were standing right in front of the loud booming house, litter already all over the front lawn.

It's only 8:06!

I will quietly admit that I missed the parties I went to before the whole fight went down for Sakura. But for some reason now, it feels weird. For the most part since I've been spending so much time with Hinata this pass few weeks that it's just weird not having her here with me. I promised her that I would text her any free chance I got but since Sasuke and I are kinda big deals with the girls, I even promised her I'd FaceTime her if possible.

Sasuke was the first to approach the house and also the first one to ring the doorbell. Heartbeats later, Suigetsu appeared at the door, a bottle of beer in hand.

"Sasuke! Shikamaru! And even the almighty captain made it!!!" He was barely drunk but the smell of alcohol strong in his breath. "Come on in!"

We all just took a careful step forward, each scanning the area.

And true to his word, it was an all guy party. Not a single female person in sight. At least this son of a bitch kept his promise.

"Come in!" Suigetsu chuckled loudly. "Come in all!!!"

I took lead this time, walking past him straight to the kitchen where they were keeping the drinks, Sasuke and Shikamaru right behind me.

"What are you looking for?" Sasuke asked. "Not looking for any toxic, are you?"

I looked at him, "I'm an athlete and I love my body. I'm just looking for some water."

Shikamaru returned with a cup, "Get some from the fridge."

I thanked him for the drink and after filling it, I was about to take a sip. Until it was taken away out of nowhere and replaced with a different cup; this one reeked with alcohol.

I glared at Suigetsu, "It's a party bro! No water!" And he dumped it into the sink.

"If that's the rule," I squared up to him, my annoyance completely at its peak. "Then we're leaving."

It's only eight o'clock so if we leave now, I can still catch some time with Hinata. I miss the party scene, sure. But I have to be responsible now. Not just for me but for the one I care very deeply for.

"Aw come on, Naruto!" Suigetsu said. "Don't go."

"Party's over," Sasuke growled, his hands in his pockets.

Suddenly the host walked up to me, "At least just drink one cup."

"I'm not drinking any," I said, short and simple.

"Just one," he held up one of his long, sleek fingers.

I looked at the red solo cup. It was only half filled.

"Just one then you get to leave," Suigetsu laughed.

The other party guys started chanting at the top of their lungs. I didn't look up from the cup and just continued contemplating.

If I drink it, I leave early and just have Sasuke or Shikamaru drive.

If I don't, then I have to stay longer but I promised Hinata on the way here that I wouldn't drink any.

But I get to go spend time with her if I do.

Another lie I have to hide from her.

Without thinking further about it, I put the cup to my lips and lifted it.

But just as the content entered my mouth, Shikamaru shouted, "No! Naruto!"

By then I had already swallowed the bubbly water down my throat.

Just like that, Sasuke and Shikamaru were suddenly contained by two guys bigger then they were.

"What the fuck?!" I managed bit I was woozy, woozy beyond control.

What is wrong me? My limit is three bottles. This is barely half -

"Naruto!" Sasuke called again as he struggled against the grips holding him back.

I grabbed onto the counter next to me, my feet completely failing me.

"Bastard!" I hissed, then had to close my eyes and shake my head. "What the fuck did you give me?"

Suigetsu shrugged with a smirk, "I just poured it in. I guess it works."

"I will get you for this!" I spat but by then my eyes were already half closed.

Then not long after that, I collapse completely, my mind to numb to even register the pain.

My final thought was this:

I'm sorry, Hinata.

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now