#155 The Signs' Problems

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-  angry all the time

-  thinks it's cool to say the f-word

-  doesn't flush the toilet

-too hot?  (hot damn)

-always at the top of every astrology post


-  owns too many cats

-  uses Pinterest

-  takes all their selfies on Snapchat

-  actually lives inside a refrigerator


-  two faced

-  always beats you at tic-tac-toe

-talks fast



-  hogs the snacks

-  farts a lot

-  is literally drowning in a pool of their own tears

-  dances like a white dad at a barbecue


-  owns 372 mirrors

-  on their phone too much

-  unpopular opinions

-  better hair then you


-  watches too many cat videos

-  kekekekekekekekekek

-  has an entire bottle on Lysol inside their butt

-  too nice wtf


-  cuter than you

-  smarter then you

-  pee is clearer then yours

-  better than you in every possible way


-  uses the eggplant emoji too much

-  is a nerd

-  tries to seduce you all the time (and succeeds)

-  takes too long to text back


-  is a weeb

-  overly competitive

-  actually owns a centaur but won't tell me where it is

-  smile is cuter then yours


-  has hella cheekbones

-  makes bad puns

-  wears mismatches socks

-  doesn't wash their hands


-  is also a weeb

-  the CUTEST smile

-  has a alien hidden in their bedroom

-  smol


-  talks 2 their stuffed animals

-  sleeps all the time

-  forgets to text back too much

- a e s t h e t i c

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