Chapter 8

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"What is going on here?!" Mrs. Alson exclaimed, looking at the two bloody boys.

"It was all him Mrs. Alson!" Ryan said. "He punched me first."

"But he deserved it!" Chris stood up for himself.

After watching that- it makes me think. Did Chris start punching Ryan because of me? Or because of what he does to all there girls who think he's 'the one'? I'll have to ask him later...

"Christian and Ryan in my office. Now." The room was dead silent until the sound of the boys scurrying feet to get to her office. What. Just. Happened?


"What happened?!" I pounced on Chris after school.

"We're both suspended for 1 week." Christian sighed.

"It'll be okay. I'll bring you your homework and it won't ruin your reputation if that's what you thinking." I told him.

"Okay. Sounds good. And just so you know- it is going on my reputation. They write this stuff down." Chris mumbled.

"C'mon let's go home." I said, putting my hand in his. Christian frown immediately turned to a smile when he saw what I did.

"Yeah, let's go babe." We walked back to Christian's car. It was silent until he knew what I was itching to ask.

"I punched him for both reasons Ava. I know what you're thinking." Chris sighed, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What?" I asked, curiously.

"I punched Ryan because of what he does to all girls and because he hurt you." Chris said. I saw his knuckles turning white from holding the steering wheel too hard.

"Christian that was 6th grade." I tried.

"Yes, but I don't care how old you were or are, I will hurt anyone who hurts you. You're mine and I'm not planning on letting go or having anybody talk trash about you, me or us." Chris stated. Damn. Well that was deep. Once we pulled up to his driveway I noticed his parents already left for Cali. (They have their anniversary in a couple days) Since I know they won't be home for a week or so- I've decided to spend every second possible with Chris.

But I need to get suspended first.

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