Chapter 7

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Why does Natalia ruin everything?

Simple answer.

She thinks she's queen.

They all do. They as in her 'squad' or as I call them her minions.

"So, what's her problem?" Chris asked me as we sat down for lunch.

"She hates me." I answered, biting into my sandwich.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well, it's a long story."

"We have all period." Chris said, laying down on the grass.

"Okay. Well, it all started in 1st grade when I got... A toy or something I can't remember. Anyway, Natalia wanted it so freakin bad- she made her mother call mine to ask if she'd tell me to give Natalia the toy. My mom yelled at her mom in refusal and Natalia has hated me since." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Skip to 6th grade. Ryan Foxx was both of our crushes and there was a dance coming up. We both desperately wanted to have him ask us. Ryan asked me to the dance a week before the dance. Yet, Natalia knew he wanted some money and since she is filthy rich, she gave him $40 to go to the dance with her and not me. They're still dating but they both cheat on each other all the time- which is probably the reason she flirted with you. Ryan broke my small little 6th grade heart. And since then we just kinda went back and forth hurting each other." I finished.

"Wow." Chris said. "Wow."

"I know." I said, nodding and finishing my lunch.

"And this was all because of a toy in fourth grade?" Chris said, finishing his sandwich.

"Yeah pretty much." I said.

"That's insane. She's insane. She's freakin insane." Christian stood up and took my hand. "Come on."

"Chris where are we going?" I quickly grabbed my backpack and followed him.

"Places." We barged into cafeteria and Chris led me to the 'popular' table. He let go of my hand and whispered 'stay back' he then tapped Ryan Foxx on the back and he stood up looking at my boyfriend

"What do you want Collins?" He asked looking violent. Chris punched him in the face. The jaw. The stomach. Christian was literally on top of him beating him up. I didn't know what to do. Ryan didn't know what to do. No one did. The only sound of the cafeteria was the punches Chris was throwing.

"STOP!" We heard.

It was the principal.

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