Chapter 11

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"And now look you're suspended! Your father and I did not raise you to be this way! How am I supposed to show up at the board meetings now- everyone will see me as the 'parent with a suspended daughter because she wanted to be with her boyfriend! Ava Catherine don't expect anything in the next couple months. You were a golden child now look. Your father would be so disappointed young lady. " I was stunned at my mother's outburst. I knew the only thing she was worried about our family's reputation but I never expected this.

"Mom- you have to listen to me. I did not get suspended just to be with Christian- I did it because it was time to stand up to the girl who has been bullying the entire student body since 1st grade. Mom maybe you don't realize this but I was standing up for my school. And why'd you have to bring dad into this! You know he'd never yell at me like this and if you can't deal with me not being so 'perfect' how about you send me off to military school!" I screamed at my mother.

"Go to your room I have thinking to do." My mom told me. I refused to listen to her and ran to Christian's house. I knocked on the door until a very pretty girl opened the door.

"Hi! Are you Ava? I'm Karisma, Chris talks about you all- why are you crying come in! CHRISTIAN!!!"

"YEAH!" I heard from inside the house.

"WHAT!??!?!??!" Silence. Then the booming sound of my boyfriend running down the stairs. "Ava! What's wrong?" I then noticed all of Christian's siblings were watching.

"Uh, can we please talk somewhere else?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, come on." Chris took my hand and led me upstairs to what seemed- his room. "What's wrong Av?"

"My mom was yelling at me a lot and now she thinks our family reputation is ruined forever and I've never seen her like that before and it was really scary and she thinks my dad would be so disappointed in me and that really hurts because I was super close with him and now I'm so furious and she's furious and I just can't be there right now." I sobbed. I hugged Christian really tight until he let go.

"Ava- listen to me, your dad would never be disappointed in you for standing up for all those people she's terrorized. My parents were pretty angry that I was suspended but then they realized what that kid has done to you and all the girls, they understood what I did was good."

"So you think my mom will get over it?"

"I promise you, she will."

"Thank you Chris." I smiled at him.
"I'm here 24/7. I promise you, we can hang out for as long as you want."

"Really?""Really. What do you want to do?""Let's start with meeting your siblings." I grinned and took Chris' hand.

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