Chapter 4

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I met up with the guys after school. I gained self control after hitting myself in the head yelling at myself in the bathroom 'YOU DON'T LIKE HIM'.

"You know what- I totally forgot I have a essay due tomorrow for English I have to get home ASAP, I'll call you later Av- bye Chris." Shawn said, leaving Chris and I in an awkward position.

"Um, I guess we can get to know ea-" I was cut off rudely by Chris.

"Go out with me." He said, quickly.

"What?" I asked.

"Go on a date with me. I know you aren't a biggest fan of me, let me prove myself to you. Tonight, let me take you somewhere."


"Great I'll see you there." Christian then got up and left. Leaving me more confused than I've ever been. Shawn ran back to the table and I knew he wanted to know what happened, obviously not leaving where we were previously sat together.

"Ava Catherine McAdams- details. Now." Shawn demanded.

"He's taking me out tonight. I didn't even say yes, he kinda just demanded it." I said.

"OTP!" He screamed. People turned and gave us weird looks. Shawn stuck his tongue out at some of them.

"Shut up Shawn." I told him. I got up from my seat blushing and ran out of the room. Shawn didn't bother following me because he knows; I go to the library during the second half of lunch. I arrived to the quiet classroom we call a 'library'.

"Hello Ava." Mrs. Robinson told me as I walked in.

"Hi Mrs. Robinson- I'm just gonna read."

"That's okay honey- which book?"

"Tex by S.E Hinton." (AN: if u haven't read this book READ IT I loved it)

"Ooo- a classic, have fun."

"Thank you Mrs. Robinson." I went to the back of the library, and sat down opening my book.

'I sat down at the kitchen table, sore and dazed and half- surprised that the world seemed to be rolling along as usual.' I thought about the sentence for a while. I couldn't focus. If this kid a long time ago didn't think he could have a smooth life- what about me? My life seems to be going in circles. Disaster after disaster after disaster.

But I can't have what Tex did. I can't sit down and think 'wow my life's being good to me so far.' No I haven't thought that in years. Ever since my dad died- I've never really recovered. Everyone tried to comfort me but all I ever did was push them away. But I'm extremely regretful because of doing that. If I never did that- I'd have a good friend circle, a healthy family relationship. I'd be nicer.

I decided after thinking about this for a awhile- I'm going to try be a better person. And the person I'm meanest person to is Chris of course. Tonight I'm going I be perfectly behave and I'll be polite. I'm going to try. For Chris❤.

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