If Time Weren't Real

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It's raining.

That's all I know at the moment. People are running outside, kids are complaining about getting wet, and here I am, standing outside, getting drenched. People push by me as I stand there staring at the clock. It may sound strange but this is how I occupy my time, which seems to be endless.

Someone grabs my hand and tries to move me, but I stand perfectly still. The rain and cold doesn't bother me because I'd rather die standing in the rain because I love the rain and I wish to die with something I love. The person let's go and hugs me. His name is Dillan and he's my best friend. Well sorta.

"Come on Heather," he says,"Let's get out of the rain."

"The clock," is all I say.

"What about the stupid, old clock?"

He insulted one of my favorite things and he knew he did, after I glared at him. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. This time I actually moved because I hate seeing people worry about me. Now I know what you may or may not be thinking, I'm not dating Dillan. We just do all the sweet gestures of couples but we aren't one. I mean sure I kinda like him but that would ruin our friendship. He's my only friend and I don't mind keeping it that way. Well I do but I just don't say it.

He takes me to his car. It's a whiles away so this gives me time to think. My clock friend was acting weird today, I think it may be dead or at least dying. Why? Well because it wasn't moving. I stood there for five minutes and it didn't move. Its stuck on 6:37am when its actually 3:46pm. Weird. Oh well my clock is dead or dying and I can't do anything about it. Sadly.

Now my crush on my best friend. His grip sends sparks through me. Concentrate, Feather. (I call myself Feather, that's normal) Dillan is just a cute guy with brown hair and garrus colored eyes.(look on my homepage to see his eye color) He's 6'7'' and he's just the perfect guy for me. Look I'm not going to go gaga over him but I really do like him. Ok I love him, there I said it happy?

We reach his car as I end my thinking time. Dillan goes over to open my side of the car.

"After you my lady," he said with a bow.

"Why thank you kind sir," I say curtsying.

He laughs and closes the door after I get in. I'm lonely for a few seconds. The seconds turn into minutes. I sit patiently waiting. After twenty minutes or so go by I start to worry. Thirty and I think about going to look for him. Forty five, I open my car door. At 4:37pm I found Dillan in the café.

"Dillan," I say getting his attention,"You scared me half out of my wits"

"Sorry," he replies rudely,"I didn't know you needed a babysitter."

"Woah, why are you so grumpy?"

"Because people keep getting in front of me."

"Have you tried moving up?"

"No," he says looking down at the floor,"But I was here first."

I go up to him and give him a hug,"Its ok Dillan. Are you hungry?"

He nods like a little kid.

"Well," I say,"Why don't you let me make you something?"

"Ok," he says taking my hand.

I watch old people smile at how cute we are thinking we're a couple. I wish. Does Dillan not realize how much I love him?

We reach his car and this time I open my door after Dillan gets in. We drive off to his house because he knows about...it. He knows why I stand and stare at a clock. He's the only one I trusted with my problems. Especially that problem.

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