Chapter 12

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"Father, I'm not leaving. "

My father stopped dead in his tracks by the door and slowly turned around to face me.

"What did you said? " he dropped the suitcases on the floor and strode towards me.

My breath hitch when I noticed the fury in his eyes.

"I can't leave. I have shows to perform." my voice quivered. To be honest, I'm afraid of him.

"Look bitch! " he took a hold of my throat with a single hand. "I don't fucking care about your shows. Let your understudy take your place. You're coming whether you want to or not."

My breathing grew thick with lack of oxygen. I tried to take his hands off me, but I failed. He was too strong for me.

"Ple-ase.. let ... me... go, " I chocked out breathlessly. His hand tightened around my neck, blocking my windpipe completely.

"You deserve to die you useless fucking whore! " he squeezed tighter and my eyes rolled up my head.

Darkness was seeping in through my mind. I grew numb to the pain he was causing me until I became limp.

Erik's POV :

She's leaving today! My wife and baby are leaving to America today.

She can't just leave me? She promised me. What about the productions?

Christian had come to my lair yesterday to tell me that Chloe would try to stay.

I doubt her father would let her. What if he forces her? No, I need to see her. I can't let her go... not with my child.

Making my mind up, I dash out from my organ and ran through the catacombs towards the stables.

I climbed on Cesar (the 13th), my white stallion, and sped out.

"Come on Cesar!" he sped faster, galloping farther to my destination.

The people around were letting out yelps and screams as they jumped away from my way.

I could care less what they all think of me. I only had one person on my mind... Chloe Destler.

I jumped off of Cesar and quickly made my way to look for Chloe. Even if I had no idea where she is, I am determined to find her and save her.

I was running around the silent halls when I heard yells close by. A man and a woman.


I sprinted toward the sound of the yells. I saw suitcases by the door and my heart tore apart as I saw the woman I love fall limply to the floor.

"You bastard! You insolent fool! You.fop! " all my anger I had bottled inside for this man burst out and I jumped on him.

I knew I took him by surprise based on his shocked face.

"You will pay for what you did! " I punched him repeatedly until I heard an ear piercing scream.

I threw the man to the floor like the animal he is. A woman came rushing to his side with tears.

I ignored her and I quickly went to Chloe.

"No... Chloe please... don't leave me, " I cried out to her. I hugged her limp body tightly against me. "No!"

'Once upon another time, our story had only begun

I had a taste of joy, the most I ever knew'

'Now there isn't any time

and somehow our story is done'

People soon arrived inside and asked for me to leave Chloe. I held her tighter.

"No! " I yelled at them.

They grabbed onto my shoulders and forcefully pulled me apart from her.

"No! Chloe!" I trashed around, but they only held on tighter.

The men lifted my Chloe and quickly took her away. I escaped the men who were holding me and followed the men who took my Chloe.

They took her in a white moving wheel. I got on Cesar and followed the wheels.

I felt empty. Nothing matter to me no more. My reason to live is gone... along with our child. Our child.

Tears streamed down my face, yet I didn't care to wipe them away. I just want to go with her. Die with her and be together once again.

When they stopped, they took her out of the white wheels from the rear on a bed and pushed her inside a building in a rush.

I followed every way they led. I was about to go inside a room they took her when four men in white stopped me.

"Wait sir."

They said the one thing I couldn't do. How can I wait?  How can I stop this aching feeling in my chest?

All this years I've known of heartache and loathing until the night I met my angel.

She was a real angel from heaven that was taken far too quick. She was the only person to ever truly love me for me. The only person who didn't care about my face.

She loved me as I did.

She was my wife. She was my lover. She was my child's mother. She was my angel. She was my saviour. She was my life.

I looked up and sang as if she was looking down at me from heaven.

'And now that you are gone,

What am I to do?'

"You may now enter sir, " men in white walked out of the door and I quickly went in.

There she is. My Chloe.

I caressed her cheek softly before gently kissing her lips.

I miss her already. I miss those times when she would come to my lair and sleep in my arms.

I remember she would always ask me to take my mask and wig off when it was time to sleep.

I still can't believe she loved a monster like me. I was a murderer and I was close to killing her father.

When I was completely unmasked, she would always kiss my deformity.

I remember the last night we were together in bed.

"You know Erik, I actually love your deformity. It makes you different and special. " she had said after we had made love.

"What? " I had a look of shock as I stared at my bride.

"Without it, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have ever met you, " a single tear slipped down and smiled at me as she caressed my deformity. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me Erik. If I can go back in time, I would come sooner to be with you."

"I love you Chloe. I will always love you Chloe." I brought my lips to hers and kissed her softly.

"I love you too my angel. I will always love you no matter what happens. Always and forever."

Oh my Chloe, how can you be gone so soon? We were going to have a baby together.

What do I have to live for? I even spend some of the money I had saved to buy a house for us. 

A house for our children. A home that I once told you I would buy if you came with me.

"Don't worry mon amour, I will join you soon." I kissed her lips one last time.

As I walked towards the door, towards my death, I heard a soft fragile voice.



The white wheels is an ambulance. Erik doesn't know about automobiles. He has lived under the opera house after all.

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