Ellipsis Blue- Chapter 2

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A/N: The photo is of Jake. *drools*

Chapter 2

          “I’ll race you to the stream!” I called to Jake as Egypt and I trotted towards him. I pulled her up next to Mr. Handsome.

          “Are you sure you are up for it?” Jake asked in a concerned voice. I could understand the reason for his concern. Six months ago I couldn’t even ride Egypt faster than a trot in an enclosed area. Now we were out in the middle of a field.

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          The sun beat down on the arena even though it was early November. I had decided to ride Egypt today. Jake stood by the gate so in case I needed him he could respond quickly. I swung up into the saddle and walked Egypt around the arena, following the rail. She was tense and agitated at first, her gait choppy and uncomfortable. After a few laps she finally seemed to relax so I asked her to trot. We trotted half way around the arena and I began to smile. Just then my foot and the stirrup hit a rail and it spooked Aliyana. She panicked and threw several bucks, thinking that whatever had scared her was behind her. I hadn’t been expecting it and I ended up flying off and landing in the dirt with an ugly thud

          Jake instantly jumped over the gate and caught Egypt before she hurt herself. Then he turned to me. “Are you okay?” he asked as he reached out his hand to help me up and I took it gratefully.

          “I’m fine.”  I told him even though we both knew I wasn’t. I was tired of having a horse I couldn’t even ride.

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But things had changed for the better since then. We could do this.

          “Don’t worry. We can handle a small race just fine.” I smiled reassuringly before teasing “you are just worried you can’t beat us!”

          Jake tapped his chin with one finger, looking like he was thinking hard. “Well in that case,” he said as his frown broke into a smirk “catch me if you can!” he yelled as Fabio took off into a canter. 

          “Hey! That isn’t fair!” I yelled after him but he was already too far away to hear as the breeze sweeped away my words. Egypt shifted eagerly under me, waiting to catch up to Fabio. 

          Grumbling to myself slightly, I clucked to Egypt and she went into a canter. However Egypt’s stride was much shorter than Fabio’s that we would never catch them up, let alone beat them, if we continued at this pace. Taking a deep breath I urged Egypt into a gallop, ignoring the butterflies fluttering around in my gut. Egypt snorted and stretched out her legs, gracefully going from three beats to four. A smile spread across my face as we slowly gained ground on Jake and Fabio.

         Soon enough we were running side by side. Jake gave me a surprised look before it changed to concern. In return I shot him a huge grin. 

          “Eat my dust!” I yelled before urging Egypt even faster. The wind began to sting my face and the outline and colors of the trees, bushes and ground began to blur together. I saw the stream up ahead just before I heard Jake yell something behind me but I couldn’t make out what he said before the wind whipped his words away. However I didn’t need to hear him to know what he had said. I was going way too fast.

          I tried to ask Egypt to stop but she wouldn’t. I shortened the reins and tried again. Instead she pinned her hears and threw a small buck before flattening out to go even faster. The wind was now slapping me and I couldn’t make out the border between the earth and sky. 

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