23 January 2016- Rest? I don't think so

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Dedicated to 16wanderlxst09 for the cover. Thanks a lot, chong :)

So I was forced to wake up at what time? 8 o'clock. Yes it may be better than an ordinary school day but it feinitely wasn't what I wanted. On the typical Saturdays, I would laze on my bed till noon or even later but now more homework, more tuition, everything else but sleep. I woke up to see the stack of homework I prepared to finish today. It seemed like a tall order but I mean what could I do? This was all for the good results to please my parents. I mean all play and no work make Jack a dull boy but I mean did my parents care if I were dull. I'd probably say no. Oh well.....
Enough about them. I better get to work or there really wouldn't be any rest tonight.

So luckily or unluckily, my parents went to Chinatown for the shopping of festive goodies. I was left home. Alone. Something which I wasn't sure whether it was good or bad. My tummy was rumbling for the night's hunger and I needed food really badly. You should have guessed by now. I searched high and low just to find those packs of lemon biscuits. Oh thank god, I found those or else I wouldn't be able to continue writing this diary.

Soon enough, before I was started to get into my productive mood, it was twelve and I was headed out for lunch and you probably knew what was up for me. Tuition of course, I wouldn't say it's a bad thing because the teachers were nice and the abundance of sweets easily satisfied my week's cravings. But it was a torture. I could never explain it to you but it was THAT torturous. I mean LA, and how boring wad that. Today's lesson was alright with laughter filling the class . We talker about how this NCC boy fell off his double decker bunk because it was so unstable and stuff. The sweets did keep me awake but not for long. I mean I began to get a so-called syndrome. Ahem, it's another joke so read on to find out.

Finally, two hours of dreadful tuition was over and I was free but not that free after all. My day didn't just end there of course- there was more to it. Definitely. Of course.

It was 3.05 by the time I left class and we were headed home. Not. We were headed for the airport instead where my mother said everything would be SO relaxed but was THAT true after all. You'll find out in a moment. But before that I got sweets for I best fwends-the gummies wohooo!! On the bus, it started off on a bad note with the bus crowded, so madly crowded that I could even smell the other person's bad breathe. Ewwww.....
Then, it got better at least we could sit in a cafe and have a cuppa tea. My stomach felt better but my mind did not have it any better. I was thinking about the homework awaiting my arrival later on. Dinner was great with western food and the day wrapped up with artisan dessert, Milk And Honey. Yes, I'm advertising. Well it ended of quite well but it just wasn't the end.

So I came home and you could guess what I was doing homework, more homework and even more. Science to Geog and then back to History. Atomic structure, JO , you could name it all. Eventually after the brain drain, I was done with my homework yippee and that marked the end of my Saturday.
Any interesting events in your Saturday? Share it with me .

Joke of the day#2: In class saying that if you were too bored in class or so tired that you slept in class, you definitely had periodic loss of consciousness.

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