Chapter 4

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Hunter's POV

I was is a rush. There was a big meeting backstage, and I had no idea how to get there in the next five minutes. This place was enormous, and it was my first day here. I jogged through the building, reading all the signs, and searching for a way to get there fast. In my haste, something small and warm ran into me and bounced off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I-" She paused looking up at me.

My heart stopped. She had sparkling grey-green eyes, dark brown curls, adorable freckles scattered across her face, and her endless legs sprawled out around her from the fall. She was beautiful

"Hi," Her lips curving into a dazzling smile, "I'm Liv." She tilted her head to the side, eyes roaming over my body. I wonder if she liked what she saw?

"It's very nice to meet you Liv, I'm your opener Hunter Hayes. I guess we'll be spending the next eight months together." I drawled in my Cajun accent. I let my eyes wander freely, finally landing on her shoes. "Nice converses" I complimented, grinning like a fool. This was going to be a great eight months.

A tall, businesslike man came up behind Liv. Her forehead creased into a frown.

"Hello Hunter," he greeted, "I'm Rick, Liv's manager." he paused, " I see you two have met." he said with a note of annoyance, looking between us.

"We sure have, say, you wouldn't know how to get backstage, would you?" I questioned. I hated to ask for help, but at this point I was desperate.

"I sure do, just take a left and turn right down a long hallway, it'll be the first door on the right." Rick instructed.

"Thank you so much, I'd have wandered around here forever if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction." I said

"No problem, I'm the manager I'm supposed to know where everything is." He joked.

"Well thanks anyway, I'll see you later Liv." I said , flashing Liv a bright smile, and making my way backstage.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

I walked into the guys, Liv's green eyes still burning in the back of my mind. Devo, Sam, and Frank were all unpacking the equipment.

"Nice of you to join us!" Sam said sarcastically.

"Sorry Sammy, I got. . . . distracted." I said, a goofy grin spreading across my face. Why did she have to be so darn cute?

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