Chapter 8- What Is Hidden Underneath

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~Sang's POV~

Walking out of the doors to the courtyard after a long morning, I for once found myself very hungry. The pain in my lower belly faded and I haven't felt better, today looked like it was going good until I got to where the boys were.

I could see that something had happened, oh gosh, they figured it out, 2 and 2 were added and they got 4. I could see in their eyes were looks of shock, happiness but what stood out the most was the desire, oh my boys you really have to wait your turn. As I glanced at all of the boys doing their own thing, my eyes paused on Victor's face something was off about it.

I continued to stare at the side of his face as he talked to Kota about something to do with the upcoming computer release, and the more I stared at his face a feeling of uneasiness filled my stomach. I couldn't see anything wrong with his face, maybe it's just my imagination but as I looked away I caught a faint line of purple around his eye.

I focused in it and realised around his eye was slightly raised, and the colour around his eye was an off-colour to his skin, it's got to be make-up. Dread stared to consume me, oh no what has happened to my prince.

I licked my finger wetting it and slowly made my way over to him and as soon as I was close enough I swiped my finger over his eye. I could hear the air around me get sucked in, creating a thick tension around us all. I looked down to my fingers to see it covered in makeup, and as I dragged my eyes to see Victor's I could see a ring of purple and black surrounding his eye.

A gasp left me lips as I stumbled back seeing the bruise covering my face but the worry and sadness left me with a sense of anger. I swivelled my head back and glared at those who would meet my eyes. They tried to hide this from me! They thought that someone I loved, someone in my family was hurt and they weren't going to tell me, and that could only mean one thing, one of them hit him.

A hand grabbed my wrist and I looked over to see Victor with a pained look on his face "Princess, please let us explain, it's not what you think." He was pleading with me but I looked down at my lap my hands clenched either side of my leg.

I met the one person that has guilt written over his face and I shook my head, my anger died down as I was filled with sadness, they weren't going to tell me, they hid it. I looked up to Victor "then explain it" even I could tell my voice was filled with sorrow and pain.

"Things just got out of hand princess, it was an accident." I know that sometimes I'm gullible but even then I could tell that it wasn't an accident, he was punched on purpose.

I shook my head and met all of their guilty eyes "why do you lie?" My question lingered in the air, no one dared to speak a word, silence over came the tension and the answer-less question remained un-answered. "Why did you lie?" It came out more strong then I thought, and the culprit was the first to speak.

"I didn't mean to Sang Baby you have to believe me fucking shit you have got to believe me Baby! " His voice a voice of plea as if he was praying for God. "I was just so mad I thought that he forced you into having sex with him, fuck I wasn't thinking straight!" North looked down and mumbled out loud enough to hear "I was also jealous of what Victor did."

I felt myself fill with some pride, I stood up for myself again but "North that didn't give you the right to punch him! Victor would never force me into doing anything! I hope you apologise and that you don't do it again, okay." My voice started out strong but it slowly faded to a whisper, I looked up to meet his eyes that were filled with concern and guilt, so I gave him a soft smile hoping he understands he is forgiven.
School dragged on for the remainder of the day but here again I find myself sitting in the living room bored out of my mind waiting for Gabriel to come. All the boys besides him are out on Academy matters so it will just be me and him tonight, and I have some plans.

Just thinking about tonight brings a blush to my cheeks as I fling myself backwards against the couch covering my face with the hands. I can feel my core aching, begging to be realised again, maybe I was right I'm turning into a sex addict, the thought makes me giggle.

I run up to my room to get changed into Gabe's special lingerie that I'm going to cover by a pair of pink track-pants and a plain white baggy t-shirt that probably doesn't belong to me, maybe it's Luke's. I make my way into my attic space to see the Victoria Secret bag where I left it last time and I open it in search for my Meanie's outfit.

I pull out the bright orange lace lingerie and lift it up to check out what Kayli chose for Gabriel's night. The orange material is a two piece set but once it is put on it can be secured together to make it looks like a one piece. The top is made of lace and sheer material that would run down my breasts, exposing my stomach and a fair share of the rest of my breasts that weren't covered by the orange material. The end of the two line of material goes around my low stomach and wraps around to my back and ends in ribbon to secure it on.

The panties are in the same material as the top and are the style of Brazilian panties, the whole panties are a light sheer Orange material making everything down there on display through the panties. Just looking at this set gives me shivers down my spine in anticipation, I rush to the bathroom to get everything on.

I look in the mirror in the bathroom examining the piece, my breasts are barely covered by the orange lace that leads down past my exposed stomach to my core. The bright panties are see-through against my skin, everything on display, I clipped together the two pieces making it into one. I turn my back and see it all exposed beside the bows at the back of my neck and the bottom of back holding the top up. I look down to my legs and an idea hits me and I run back to my room.

I get out white stockings and slip them over my legs up to my mid thigh and I clip the stockings to the additional clips on the top and I clip the backs on the stockings up to the back of the top.

I check myself over once more and I give myself a nod as I slide on the baggy clothes hiding what is underneath it all. The plan of Meanie getting wound up about the baggy clothes and then taking me up to change them, and then when his back is turned the clothes will drop.

As I walk out of my room the door slams shut and Gabe walks through the door looking as stunning as ever, my lip goes between my teeth as I stare at Gabriel from the top of the stairs. As he turns around to see me at the top of the stairs his face scrunches up in disgust.

"What the FUCK are you wearing Trouble! What the fuck is this shit!" Gabriel's voice comes out loud and clear, it seems like the plan is working. He shakes his head as he climbs the stairs, "Let's fix the fuck out of you Trouble!"

Yes, it seems to be working, just a few more steps and we will be in my room. He turns at my door to look my over once more his face still upturned "where the motherfucker did you get this shit anyway?! Nope never-mind lets just fix this!"

As we enter my room he goes straight for my draws to pull out different clothes as he mutter under his breathe about the clothes I'm wearing, as his back is turned I start my task. I quickly and quietly slip out of the pants and top as place them to the side and I stand right where I was before waiting for him to turn.

"Okay you get changed out of that shit and get changed int-.." His voice cuts off as he turns around to face me and he sees what I'm wearing. I feel myself grow wet at his hungry and lustfull gaze as he covers every inch of my body with his eyes. I look up to meet his eyes as he speaks out "Well Fuck Me."

I slowly walk towards him with a sway in my step, my eyes never losing his, "well that is the plan Meanie."
Sorry for a shorter chapter than the rest of them but the next chapter will just be all smut! The whole lot of it! Yeah so this chapter was sort of just a lead up for the next one but I did want some sort of suspense.

For the next sex scenes I would really like to have some of the boys have their own fetishes with it, what they like to do and say during it. I will have some sort of dominant areas with some of the boys (some obviously *cough* Owen *cough*) but I know some people enjoy reading other things. So what style of sex you would want to see in the book please comment/ tell me because I would really like to put your in.

Thankyou so much for all the reads!!


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