Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV

I looked into the mirror of my small room. I saw my long black hair that fell down my back in waves. I saw my dull green eyes that used to be bright and full of happiness. That was until my parents died and sent me to live with my adoptive father.

I had bruises... Lots and lots of bruises. On my arms,legs,my abdomen. Everywhere but my face. So no one can know what he does behind closed doors. Someone almost found out at my last school so we had to move. I'm only 17 and a punching bag.

I wore long denim jeans and a baggy sweater. I rushed downstairs only to be greeted by Steve, my adoptive father.

I looked towards him and got punched in the gut. I gagged and fell to the ground. I knew better than to look him in the eyes.

"Go make me breakfast whore!" He shouted as I ran towards the kitchen and cooked fast to avoid a beating. I cooked him the usual, an omelet and some coffee.

I set the food on the table in front of Steve waiting for the go ahead to leave. "Where's my napkin slut?"

He asked in a husky voice making my skin crawl. I ran towards the kitchen to get him a napkin only to turn around and have him right behind me. He smiled and took my hand pressing it against the still hot pan I used for the omelet. I screamed out in pain.

"Pack your shit. We're leaving." He growled out before stomping away. I didn't question anything cause I knew better not to, I ran upstairs and started to pack my things. I didn't have much, Steve Wouldn't allow it. A few pairs of pants and two huge sweaters to cover the bruises.

I walked over to my little brother Chris. He's the only family I have left and I would never let Steve hit him. Chris wasn't a hybrid like me. He was just wolf. I threw my bag of me and my brothers clothes over my shoulder. A thought crossed my mind about leaving without Steve and going into the woods near the house but he would find us. He always finds us.

I decided to take a chance and I ran over to Chris waking him, he's only 14.

"Lauren, what's going on?" He asked the second he opened his eyes.

"We're leaving." I told him as I handed him a bag with his clothes as I took mine. I opened the window and turned around to see if Chris was ready. He looked at the window with hope as he crawled out. I got out after him and the second our feet touched the ground we ran. Chris following behind me as I was faster. That's when I heard the yell that made me and Chris shake with fear. We ran faster knowing Steve is looking for us. Soon enough we we're deep enough in the woods where we sat against a tree panting. Chris put his head on my lap, falling asleep as I kept watch for Steve. I started to see darkness and soon enough I was asleep too.


I woke up panting as visions of my nightmare came back to me. My little brother sat next to me sound asleep with his head on my lap. I picked Chris up the best I could and with the bag on my back. I walked until I reached the old tree house I found one day when I was allowed out. I knew back then that one day I would need to run so I stacked up supplies in the treehouse for years. It wasn't much because I could never get anything without Steve knowing but it was enough to last for a few days. I woke Chris up and with his eyes half closed he climbed up the latter going into the tree house, me following right behind him.

We sat up there in silence with Chris rubbing the scar on his head where Steve hit him with a beer bottle. That was the only time I wasn't there to protect him.

"Where are we supposed to go? We can't stay here forever, Lolo." Chris said slightly sobbing. I sighed and hugged him close to me, brushing his hair with my fingers. I didn't have an answer because I honestly didn't know. We don't have anybody but each other.

My thoughts we're broken by the sound of an 18 year old girl dressed in a leather jacket came up here. She looked oddly familiar but I don't know how. Steve never let me talk to someone around my age.

"What are you two doing out here?" She asked. I still didn't feel safe and I scooted back with Chris away from the beautiful girl in front of us. She saw me scoot away and looked at me with hurt in her eyes but it was gone the second it came.

"P-please don't hurt us. we're just staying here." I stated. The girl looked confused before taking a step towards us making me and my brother flinch back. Sadness showed on her face and this time the emotion stayed. I felt guilty, all I wanted to do was hug her but I didn't know why. The urge was too strong and I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her neck. I was shocked at my actions but more shocked she wrapped her arms around my waist hugging me back.

I know the first chapter was short but it's just the beginning so bear with me.

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