Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

Today was the day and I couldn't be more happy. I can smell her. My wolf was going crazy considering it has been a couple months since I turned 18. I hopped out of bed and headed to my wardrobe to find something to wear. I finally decided to wear a black shirt with my leather jacket and skinny jeans. I checked my appearance in the mirror, fixing my hair and brushing my teeth.

I walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. I stopped mid step when I smelt something delicious. It smelt like vanilla and roses. I felt my wolf purr at the smell.

Mate. Was all I heard my wolf say before I sprinted out the door in search of my angel. I saw a treehouse up ahead and that's where the smell was the strongest so I climbed up the ladder.

What I saw up there surprised me. One girl and a little boy were sitting in each other's arms the eldest stroking the boys hair. Once they saw me they backed into a corner in the room. I felt hurt go through me but I swallowed the emotion.

"What are you two doing out here?" I asked curious as to why they were in a treehouse. I don't think my angel knows I'm her mate yet so I decided not to say anything. My mate looked at me confused then spoke with a raspy voice that sounded like heaven.

"P-please don't hurt us. We're just staying here." I looked at her confused. Why we're they staying in the woods? Why doesn't she know I'm her mate? Does she think I'll hurt her?

I took a careful step towards them only for them both to flinch. My beautiful mate looked at me then walked carefully towards me before hugging me. I was shocked, first she was scared of me and now she's hugging me. But those thoughts vanished when I felt my little mate in my arms. I hugged her back tucking my face in the crook of her neck.

"What's your name?" I asked after what seemed like forever. She stopped hugging me and went towards the young boy in the room.

"I'm Lauren and this is my brother Chris." She whispered, looking down at her feet. I wouldn't have been able to hear her if it wasn't for my werewolf hearing. My wolf whimpered slightly hearing the broken tone of my mate. I walked towards them slowly. I couldn't help myself when I growled out the words "Mine."

Lauren's POV


That word rang in the air and my eyes widened in surprise and fear. That's when I realized that the amazing smell of coconut and fresh rain were coming from her. I looked up at her for the first time only for my breath to catch in my throat. She was stunning. She had long brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. She was very muscular and looked like she lived in a gym. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She reached out towards my face and I freaked out, stepping away from her.

"It's okay little one." She whispered as she reached out again. I looked down not wanting to know what she was doing. I felt her move the strand of hair out of my face to behind my ear. "You both will be coming home with me."

When the words let her mouth, me and my brother immediately started to flip out. My brother grabbed on to my arm, holding on for dear life. As I didn't know what to do and started to shake hoping the girl in front of me was nothing like my adoptive father.

She slowly walked towards me and my brother. Then I realized if I did try to fight her I would lose. Before I left my adoptive father hit me and burned my hand. My ribs were bruised and so was the rest of my body. I had no chance and neither did my brother.

"It's okay, I swear on my life I would never hurt you too. Just come with me." The girl pleaded with us. I decided putting up a fight wouldn't help anything and what's worst then going back to my adoptive father? Nothing.

"Okay." I whispered looking down while holding my brothers hand tightly. She smiled brightly before descending the stairs with us following.

As we walked I tried to distract myself from my bruises by looking at the different colored leaves. I looked down when I felt a tug on my arm. I followed the hand holding mine to see my brother with his eyes half closed almost sleep walking. Without saying anything I picked him up as he wrapped his arms and legs around me falling asleep on my neck.

Eventually we came to a clearing in the forest filled with all werewolves. My breathing picked up slightly scared of all the people. A couple people sniffed the air looking over to us and growled. But they stopped when they saw the glare from the girl in front of me. I think she's the alpha but I've never been around a pack so I'm not sure.

She took us to a beautiful house made of wood. It was the biggest house in the town. We walked in and there were two sets of stairs on each side of the room. There was a L shaped leather couch with a coffee table in the front room. There was a fault screen TV with a DVD player. The house was gorgeous and it was only the first room.

"I'm going to take you to our pack doctor, ally. She's a friend of mine so you'll be in good hands."

She showed me to a room with a bed and I layed Chris down. The room was light blue with artwork hung on the walls.

I turned around to see Camila, I think that's her name people were saying it in the town, talking to a short girl in a white coat.

The girl walked towards me and smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to check your bruises. Can you lift your shirt for me?" I looked down at the ground feeling nervous. "Please, I just want to help you."

I felt tired and scared. I didn't know where I was and why did I feel the need to follow Camila to this town.

"Maybe she should take a nap before we check her injuries." Ally said to Camila, getting a nod in return. Ally left and I was standing looking down at my feet.

"Come with me. Your brother can stay here don't worry nothing will happen to him." I followed her hesitantly up the stairs and to a large room. It smelt like Camila do this must be her room.

She guided me to her bed laying me down and looked down at me with black eyes. I didn't understand till I looked down, the clothes I had on were ripped slightly exposing some of my skin. I shivered as I was cold and still very much tired. My eyes were half closed as I sat in her bed.

She walked over to a draw, opening it and taking out a long shirt. She walked over to me and started to take my clothes off, I was too tired to stop her. She slid the shirt over my head and it stopped mid thigh.

"You are so beautiful." She whispered. I blushed. She laid down in the bed and pulled me into her lap.

"You're so tiny, my little angel." She brushed my hair back with her hands and I felt sparks.

"W-why does that happen?" I didn't know what the Sparks were, they felt comforting.

"What happen, kitten?"

"The Sparks." She chuckled a little as she brushed her hands through my hair.

"That, angel, is because we're mates."

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