Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

"W-what?" How come I didn't sense it? I'm a hybrid, I shouldn't have a mate.

"No need to be nervous, Angel." I sat up on the bed but groaned when I remembered the bruises splattered across my body. I looked up at Camila with fear. "You know what a mate is right?" I nod.

"I do, I-I just thought I wouldn't have one B-because I'm a hybrid."

"That doesn't matter. We are mates my angel and you must rest." She reached her hand out towards me but I flinched back. She smiled lightly at me, pulling back her hand.

I layed back down falling asleep with a warm feeling from having my mate near me.


Camila's POV

I look down at her as she sleeps and see how fragile and small she really is. But she is beyond beautiful. She has long jet black hair and porcelain colored skin. I reached out to run my fingers through her thick hair only to have her nuzzle against my hand. She is so cute. I sat on the bed bringing her onto my lap and I smiled from the feeling of my mate this close to me.

It saddened me to think she wouldn't be this close to me if she was awake. What happened to my little angel to cause her to fear me? I set her back on the bed, pulling a thin blanket over her.

I looked around my dark room. The walls were a dark woodsy brown with black dressers, black wall trims and black curtains. My bed in the center of the room taking up most of the space.

I will have to paint the walls a lighter color for my mate to make her feel more welcomed. I would change the entire pack house for my mate if it made her happy.

I'll have to check on her little brother soon and hope ally fixed some of his bruises. Why were they in the woods and not with a pack?

She's a rogue, why is our mate a rogue in the first place? Is what you should be asking. My wolf growled in my head.

I thought about that. If she's a hybrid then she would've been killed when she was born. My wolf growled at the thought. I shook my head. I need ally to fix their bruises first and then questions.

I walked out of my room heading downstairs bumping into Ally. Ally has been my friend since childhood, she's the betas sister. (Who should be the beta and ally's sister? Lmk in the comments) Everyone thought we would be mates until they realized we have too much in common.

"Alpha Camila." She bowed her head in respect causing me to chuckle. I hate when she calls me alpha, I rather her call me by my name.

"I will remind you about not calling me alpha later, how's my mates little brother?" She gave me a sad smile causing me to worry.

"He has some scars on his body and so does your mate. It looks like they've been abused for a while. They don't look like their used to human contact and their terrified of everything. I suggest you go slow with your mate when going to approach her or touch her." I nodded my head, my jaw locked in anger.

I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself and my wolf. Who could hurt such a beautiful person?

"Thanks for your help Ally."

"No problem, but I'd liked to see her when she wakes up to look at her more recent Bruises. I wouldn't want them to get infected." I nodded and walked back to my room as Ally went to her office.

I silently opened the door, her scent instantly going up my nose. I quietly walked over to my bed and picked her up to make room for me. Her arm almost looked burned and it caused my wolf to growl. She tried to move closer to me but bumped her arm into me. Her eyes shoot open as a yelp comes from her mouth.

She tries to get away but I keep holding her so she can't hurt herself. She wouldn't stop so I held her head in both my hands to stop her from moving and connected our eyes. She immediately freezes and started to calm down.

When you have a mate, you get lost looking into their eyes. They are the windows to the soul. Looking into her eyes got me lost in her smell, feel, beauty and everything else. Once I touch her I never want to let go, I just want to hold her. I want to keep her safe from the world and everything horrible.

I force my eyes away from her and check for any injuries.  She didn't cause her self anymore injuries but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when I saw the small cuts and bruises running across her skin. I should've been there to protect my Mate but I wasn't.

She started to thrash around again causing me to look into her eyes once more. She instantly calmed down making my wolf and me very happy. "Are you done now?" I asked in a calm but deep voice. She nodded her eyes never leaving mine. "Wonderful."

"C-can you let me go?" Her eyes held a fearful look in them as if I wouldn't put her down. I gently set her back on the bed, with her sitting up looking at me unsure of what to do with herself.

"Let's go downstairs to check on your brother and have Ally look at your bruises. Can you walk downstairs?" She nods and slides off the bed. She struggles slightly to get off the bed causing me to worry. "Are you sure you can walk downstairs princess?"

She glares at me and swallows before answering in a strong voice. "I'm fine." She started limping to the door with me only a step behind her. I just want to hold her in my arms and walk her downstairs so she doesn't have to feel anymore pain but I can't carry her cause she would freak out.

When we get to the first step of the stairs I pick her up bridal style not allowing her to walk any longer. She grabs my shoulders to steady herself but I felt giddy. This is the first time she's touched me.

An adorable blush spreads across her cheeks and she quickly removed her small hands.

"Don't fight me anymore on when I want to hold you, angel. I do it so you don't get hurt." I tell her in a voice that makes no room for interjections. "I'm bringing you to ally's office and then I'll let you down. Okay?" She nods her cheeks turning red.

As I walked towards ally's office I felt her relax and lean into me. I looked down at my little angel to see her eyes start to slowly close. I felt her forehead only to pull my hand because it was burning hot. My eyebrows  scrunched together in confusion. She was fine a minute ago.

"Keep your eyes open for me." I told her in a hard voice hoping she would listen.

She nodded with a small 'okay'. I smiled and walked faster to ally's office making sure to keep my heartbeat down, as to not worry my angel.

I rushed into Ally's office and set Lauren on the bed next to her brother. She was sweating and her breath was uneven. Ally's eyes widened when she saw the state my mate was in. Thankfully my mates brother was still sleeping so he didn't have to see his sister in a panic.

"Ally help her. Please." I said in panic because if anything happens to my mate, I don't think I would be able to live with myself. Ally rushed over to Lauren and started doing a bunch of medical stuff but I was too worried to know what she was doing.

"Alpha." I snapped out of my trance and looked to Ally hovering over my little mate. "Her cut got infected and it's causing her to get sick." I mumbled some swears to myself and looked at the cut on her arm. It was absolutely disgusting.

"Ally, how do we heal that?" I asked using my alpha voice so I would get only the truth.

"I don't know."


I totally forgot to update sorry. But I think the story is going good so far lol.

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