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Stiles: present
"How about one more punch to show you who's boss." Shark face spits. He punches me square in the jaw. I spit out blood right out on his shoe. He snarls at me as I chuckle in his face. "Take him to the others." He bums loudly.

I'm dragged by my arms into the next room, where all the hostages lay beaten. They throw me in not gently. "Those sons of bitches." I say as I lay against the crate next to my dad. "Stiles what the hell were you thinking." I turn to him and raise my eyebrows. I've been around Derek to long. I joke inside my head. "You did good, put did you really have to take it that far." he adds on.

"Dad they where going to beat up two little girls." I say astonished at him. "I couldn't just let them do that. All the grown ups in here can barely get up, imagine what they would be like." Turning I look at the girls who are holding onto each other for dear life. "I know, but you're my kid and I don't like seeing you get hurt." My dad points out. I place my hand on his shoulder, "I know."

We sit in silence listening to each other breath in. I can tell my face looks bad, by the way my father flinches every time he looks at me. The soft cries of the girls echo through the cold, dark room.

Getting up with a grunt I walk slowly to them. They look at me when I plop myself down next to them.

"Are you to okay?" I ask in a hush whisper. They shake their heads no and the younger one looks like she's about to cry. I make a shushing nose as I bring both of them into a hug. "I promise you that I wont let the men hurt you. I promise that I will get you to out of this safely." The youngest curls into my arms and press her cold nose into my neck. The other girl buts one arm around her sister and one arm around me. "Thank you." she whispers as she rests her chine on my left shoulder.

We stay in this position for a long time. It don't know how long we've been taken. Three hours or a day, but it's to long. What I do know is I haven't taken my Adderall, and I feel my body become fidgety. Another feely starts in my gut when the door opens revealing Shark face and his three goons behind him.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have a sheriff on our hands." Shark face says coldly. He holds up my fathers sheriff badge. I turn my head to my dad and glare. I had ask for one thing to go I this trip, and it was for him not to bring his badge. He makes eyes contact with me before looking back at shark face. " Sheriff Stilinski, will you please stand up." I shake my head no at my dad, but he's already on his feet.


"Make the lacrosse stick apart of your body, let i let move with your arms. Make it a limb. Gide it like its one of your arms. " Derek say as he places the newly inhanst lacrosse stick in my hands. "Come at me." he says as he motions me forward. "Shouldn't you teach me how to use it first?" I say with sass. He rais his eyebrows. "I'll right then."

In stead of going for his upper body I go for his knees. I swipe for them just as he jumps high out of the way. When he lands when he lands he twist the stick along with my arm pining it to my back. "That was good, but not good enough." Derek whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

We spends hours upon hours training. I lean over the stick breathing heavily. "Come on emissary, so me what you've got." Derek growls at me. I smirk and look down at my left forearm a tattoo takes up most of it, starting and my wrist and ending at my elbow. The biggest part is Derek's around it is a circle within a circle(Scott's tattoo) and around those two look like trees, what the secret part about it is that each tree is made up of thousands and thousands of small symbols that help me as the pack emissary. It the one and only "scar" that I've gotten for or from the pack, beside the one I inflected into myself  when I was possessed.

I look up at Derek and mumble a few Latin word under my breath. These words leave Derek with him feeling my tiredness and me feeling his strength. Taking the opportunity I swipe at his knees again, when he stumbles I hit his chest hard; making him fall in his back. Using the lacrosse stick I pin him down by the neck. "Come on sourwolf, show me what you've got." I mock. I end the training with a kiss on the lips.

"Well isn't it the father of the boy who doesn't shut up." One of Shark face goons spits out. The man had a long pointed nose and get black long hair, I decide to call him crow.

"Shut up!" Shark face snaps at crow. He steps forward and points a figure at my dad. "You as the sheriff are responsible for these people." He swing his arms open motioning to everyone hostage. "If any of them step out of line and don't follow our role, your son will be the one punished." Shark face points a crooked, ugly fu fire at me.

"Now rule one! You will not speak to each other. You not speak unless spoken too. Rule two! You will not move more the. A few feet from where you are siting. Rule three! You will not ask question. If you have a question you will go through the sheriff who will come to me. Lastly if you need to us the restroom you will ease your hand and one of my men will watch you." With that harsh statement Shark face leaves and in return three more men March in and stand around the room. This is going to be a long night. I think to myself as I hold the two crying girls.

I watch my dad walk over and sit to my right. "Hey pops?" I whisper. He turns mhis head and we make eye contact. "I need to take my meds." His eyes go big and he curses under his breath. I watch as he stands with a grunt and alms to the man standing by the door. My father speaks with his hands as he argues at the man. It's a short conversation , and dad walks back with a sourer look. "He said if you're not going to die then you can't take your meds." My father tells me as he sits down.

"Apple bottom jeans! Boats with the fur, WITH THE FUR!" I sing on the top of my lungs. My study season got turned into a two hour dance party by myself. I've been left alone for two hours while the pack went put and searched foot the fairs, the device to start living in the woods. Thirty minutes into my search I found that I could concentrate, so here I am sing on top of my lungs, shorty got moves by T-pain.

"She hit the floor, she hit the floor, she got low, low, low!" I wave my arms in the air,and I move my hips in weird directions. I feel like I can dance, but to some who isn't my friend I probably look like a newly birthed horse.

My dance party goes on for another hour when I hear someone scream my name behind me.
"STILES!" I whip my head around to see the whole pack standing there. I try to catch my breath, as I say hey.
"Stile, what the hell are you doing?" Derek growls out. I laugh and shrug my shoulder and continue dancing. Out of the corner of my eye I watch as Derek walks over the bois speaker and turns it off.

"Hey!" I yell at him. "I was listening to that." I watch as he stocks closer to me. He looks dirty and sweetly and around hot. "Did you get what I ask you to do done." He growls in my face.

"Well no, but did you know that hippo milk is pink, also that you look really hot right now, and that I like clubbing, we should go out clubbing, also you look really hot when you're angry, it's a turn on, also I really liked that song so you should turn the speakers back on and dance with me, also did you find anything in the woods, I didn't find anything." My mind races and I huff out a breath and continue to dance even without music.

Derek lays his hands on the shoulders stopping my spastic movements. "Stiles, did you take your meds today." I open my mouth to say yes, but when I think back to the morning I relive I didn't. "No, but who cares! Let's forget about those damn fairs, let's go out clubbing, NO! Let's get pizza, NO! Curly fries, NO! Let's watch Star Wars! Wait I want to dance so let's go out clubbing." I feel myself bounce up and down, but I don't care. To many thoughts in my head I need to move to keep up with them.

"I kinda like him like this." Liam says. Derek growls and Liam puts his hands up. "What he's not as serious and angry. Let's have him not take his meds more often." Scott laughs next to him. "One time he didn't take his meds for a week and he almost flooded his house." Everyone laughs but Derek.


Leave comments I love hear what you guys have to say. Tell me how to make it better. This fic is for all the Sterek fans. So give me ideas!

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