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"Sit still!" Crow face screams at me. The girls in my arms hug me tighter. I grit my teeth and growl at him. "If you don't want me to move then get my meds." I don't hide the disgusting in my voice. He surprises me by growling in response. I ping in my gut tells me he's something I don't want him to be.

But I've learned through the years to truest my gut, so I know he's something supernatural.
To confirm my suspicion I have to come up with a most likely stupid plan.

I need to get my bag, and to do that I need to get into the other room. I slowly unwrap my arms from the girls and make eye contact with my dad. Look at the men around the room I hand the girls to my dad when their not looking. The girls whimper but cling to my dad when he puts his arms around them. "What are you going to do?" He asks in a very low whisper . "I need to go to the bathroom"
"Don't do something stupid."
"Don't count on it." I whisper back.
"Hey! Quite!" Crow face screams. "Hey crow face! I got to go the bathroom!" I scream back as I stand up. "Sit your ass down, stupid boy."

"Really that's the best you got. I know you can call me something better. But anyways do you really want me to pee all over the floor. It will make it smell worse then it already is. Plus your boss, Shark face said we can go to the bathroom." I know I'm rambling, but I can feel my withdrawal happening. Crow face growls again and motions me forward.

Walking toward him he meets me halfway and grabs the back of my neck. He hides me out the door with his nails dinging into my neck.

We walk back into the room where the beat us senseless. "What is it now!" Shark face snarls out. He sits around the table with two other of his followers. "He's got you us the toilet." Crow pushes me forward. "Now what would a trouble maker want to go to the bathroom?"
"To pee, dah."
That lands me s punch in the face. Not expecting the punch I land on back my head tilting to the right. My eyes land on my backpack at the top of the bag pile.

My stupid plan becomes stupider.


I try the breath in deeply, but my lungs fill with smoke. I Cough as I push my self to run faster through the burning trees. I hear growls of my pack through the boring forest. Sirens sound somewhere faraway.

"Stiles! Look out!" I turn to see Derek twenty feet away. "Wh..." I start to say, but I then find my self flying through the air and slamming against a tree. I blink the stars out of my eyes and focus on the big red dragon fighting Derek. Derek dances around the dragon trying to get a good shot at it. The dragon follows Derek movement with fire. Derek jumps in front if me then dives to the right. But the fire from the dragon doesn't move sharp like Derek. It flows like a wave. I try to get out of the way, but when I dive I feel it catch my right hip.

I scream out in pain. I greet my teeth as the skin bubbles and bleeds. Black spots dance around my vision. Greeting my teeth tighter I push myself to my knees. Looking down I see my shirt burned into chard black skin. "Stiles?" I turn my head to see Derek still fighting the dragon, but the worry for me is easily seen in his face. "I'm fine." I breath out a sharp breath. "The pack should be here soon, keep it up." I take in a deep breath trying not to focus on my burning hip. I feel tears form I my eyes.
"You're hurt."
"Damnit Derek! I'm fine! Focused on the god damn thirty foot dragon burning down your land." I scream at him. I know I was rude, but the pain is making it hard to focus and I don't need him talking to me. I stand to my feet just to show that I'm "fine". I spit my lacrosse stick to the left of me. Walking slowly and pick it up with a grunt. The burned skin pinches and bleeds more. I feel myself become dizzy. The smoke in the air and the pain is making it hard to stand and keep my eyes open. If I don't leave soon then I'll pass out, and with the burning forest and the dragon that isn't a good idea.

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