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"This sucks!" Scott yells as we walk through the dense woods of Oregon in the middle of the night. The air is cold and crisp. It smells of pine trees and the air right before it rains. I'm greatful the clouds haven't broken yet. "At least it hasn't rained yet." I say as we move quicker. Just as make it to a small meadow thunder claps and rain pours from the sky. "Spoke too soon." Scott grunts and as Derek gives me an evil look.

"Come on! When has that ever happened in really life. When has our life become a horror movie." Just as the words leave my mouth and evil laugh is heard from behind us. The three of us turn sharply as two bright blue orbs fly from the tree line, and hit both Scott and Derek in the chest.

Their bodies make a thunk when they hit the wet ground. Mud splatters across their faces and the rest of their bodies.

The rain sparse my hair across my forehead. I blink the water out off my eyes. My clothes are drenched and stick to my skin.

"Stiiiilllless" The witch draws out my name. I move my body to face the way I think her voice is coming from.

Derek, Scott and I followed her up to a small town in Oregon from Beacon Hills. She kidnapped Erica, Boyd and Isaac. I swear after me, those three get kidnapped the most.

The laughter comes again.
"Sttiiiiiilllllllllleees." Her voice is low and scary. I have never been so scared of my own name. I turn in circles not able to pinpoint where she is. The last turn I see her emerges from the tree line. Boyd, Isaac, and Erica follow behind with chains around their necks.

"Stiles. Stiles, Stiles, Stiles. Do you like my pets? They're quite beautiful, aren't they?" Her face had an evil smirk. She tilts her head to the side with the question.

"Stiles or should I call you Little Red Riding Hood. My what pretty face you have Red. My what beautiful eyes you have." She laughs at me as I take a step back in fear.

"Stiles don't be afraid. Stiles, Stiles, Stiiiilllees."

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles, come on son I need you to breath. Breath for me." I hear my father's voice in the distance, but I can't focus. I can't breath.

I feel warm a hand on the back of my neck and another in my chest. "Stiles breath, come on son, come on my boy breath." My father's voice becomes clear, and my eyes snap to his. My hands move to his chest. I feel the in and out of his breath my own following his. He cups my cheek with his hands, as I try to drag my head away.

"Son look me in the eyes." he says sternly. My eyes snap to his. "What wrong? What is going on?" I chook when I see the worry in his eyes. Shaking my head I look down feeling tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"Stiles?" He questions quietly.

"They aren't going to make it in time. "


"Derek, and the rest of the pack." I feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"Pack? Stiles what do you mean they're not going to make it in time?"

"We're all going to die. And I can't save us. Not this time."


"Come on Stiles, stop me, fight me, get your friends back." I back up a step, the angry in her voice hits me like a wave. "FIGHT ME!" She screams. With her anger she pulls on the chains, jerking Eric, Boyd, and Isaac forward. They whimper.

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