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Derek Pov:present
"Derek you need to calm down. If we get pulled over, then it's just waist time to make it to Stiles." Scott yells at me from shotgun. I know I've been growling the whole time, and my knuckles are white from the grip I have one the stirring wheel.
Everyone is quit in the car. Stuck in our own thoughts. We all jump when the emergency phone rings in the cup holder, between Scott and I. I like it up quickly. The first thing I hear is deep breathing and growls.
"Derek? Hey babe, where are you?" His voice is shaky.
"In LA, but Stiles we lost your scent. I don't know where you are."
"Oh god, Derek you have to find us. They're werewolf Derek, werewolves. I killed two of them, well my dad killed the one that tried to kill me, but we won't talk about that. The Alpha is mad. If I didn't but the ash circle around us we would all be dead. Derek he says he's going to kill all of us. He says he's going to find a way to break the line and kill me." I can tell Stiles is panicking. Talking a mile a minute. It's also clear to see that he hasn't take his meds.

"Stiles stop and breath. Tell me what you know. Help me find you."

"It's a factory, smells like rust and old grease. It's cold and hard concrete. There's a small window and the sun is coming through it, but I can't tell which way in north. Derek the smell is like the last time I was kidnapped by hunters. Why is it always the same smell. First Girader, then the hunters and now this! Do I have a stamp on my forehead telling people to kidnap me. And God the smell is horrible it's making me want to gag." Stiles rambles on.

A loud deep growl comes through the phone. "Hey, Shark Face, shut up! I'm talking to my alpha and he is going to find me, and then he is going to kill you." A louder growl responds.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that." Stiles whisper through the phone. "Derek there are children here. And women. And men. Who am I kidding, their gender doesn't make a difference. I can't protect all of them." His voice is shaky.
"Stiles calm down I'm going to find you, I promise."
"Derek, I believe you. But just in case I want to tell you and everyone that I lov..." His voice cuts out. I look down at my phone to see the call disconnected. I feel my heart pick up in panic.

I turn to Scott, who is sitting in shoot gun. His face is etched with worry. "He isn't acting normal." Scott says when we make eye contact.

"No duh, you idiot! He gets kidnapped, again, gets beat up I front of a camera, then kills two people, and now is trapped in a wolfs bane circle with hostages, who probably have no idea about the supernatural, and now are freaking out because a man is wolfing out on them. And his dad now knows! AND LASTLY he hasn't had his meds! His minds all over the place." Erica yells at us the list of things Stiles is dealing with.

"The stress is going to kill him." I say as I pull over at a gas station. Chris pulls behind me to fills his car. "Stiles will be fine, this is kind of normal for him." Isaac points out. "What do you mean?" Scott asks. "Do you guys really not notice what he goes through mentally and physically to protect us. He goes through this crap every time something happens at home." Isaac says in disbelief, like he can't believe we don't know this.

"God is that really what Stiles deals with all the time." Scott breaths out in disbelief. I stair out the window think all the time Stiles comes back home with a bruise. The way he limps around, or holds his side in pain. How he always says he's fine when we ask if he's okay.

I growl out, and grip the steering wheel tighter. "How did we not know?" I growl at him as I turn around in my set.

Isaac looks at his knuckles like he doesn't care. "I don't know, it was pretty easy to see how he would never undress in front of us or how he would always wear a shirt when everyone wasn't. I've e seen some of his scars they're impressive. But the ones I haven't seen most be brutal." I stare and Isaac with wide eyes.

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