Behind the shield!

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I awoke to my phone buzzing on my bedside cabinet, I rolled over to grab it and literally face planted the floor. I reached for my phone damn it was 7:45 am what was wrong with werewolf's and not sleeping, don't they have dens to build and cats to chase; I looked at the caller i.d it was Scott.

"Hey dude what's up"

"Nothing just trying to sleep like us humans do" I tried to be sarcastic but my voice just went really high , damn puberty when was it going to finish, I sounded like a girl watching rom coms.
"Hmmm so Derek wants to train,come get me" Scott whined, he sounded more like a girl then i did.
"Train dude it's 7:47 , do you two not have cats to chase" stupid Derek and his stupid training I mean seriously all he did was kick Scott's ass whilst I watched or raided the so called kitchen... Still I liked seeing him in a tank top.
" there buddy".
"Huh yeah, sorry I will be right over" I really hoped Scott couldn't read minds, werewolf's can't do that right?.

I was going to ask Scott if he could read minds but the douche had already hung up,so much for a lie in. Oh well I get to see Mr Hale in all his glory, oh god I need to stop before I get a little tent down below...

I got up and decided to pick out an outfit , five minutes later I had decided on my red hoodie and tight fitting skinny jeans. Derek alway seemed less grouchy when I wore my red hoodie, ohh I feel like red riding hood and I get to capture the big bad wolf...Stiles just stop I mentally kicked myself. I jogged down the stairs and grabbed a couple bags of crisps to eat on the way, Dad was at work again,animal attacks.

I got in my car and turned the radio on , Howl by Florence and the machine started to play, this was so mine and Der's song.Mental note to self call Derek 'Der' and see how he reacts. I started the very boring drive to Scott's.

Scott was waiting on the steps for me when I pulled into his drive, damn he really wanted to train.Scott climbed into my precious jeep and we drove to Mr Hale's house in silence .

As we pulled up at Derek's I could see him lurking on his half built porch, he looked so hot wearing his white, slightly dirty tank top, if I could get my hands on him.
"Umm Stiles dude are you going to get out of the car or..." Scott was half out of the car looking at me with questioning eyes.
"Yeah sorry totally spaced out forgot my Adderall" I forced myself to stop staring at Derek an stepped out of the car.

Scott skipped like a little kid towards Derek and shouted " hey bro, I'm so going to kick your butt today". Derek just have him the death glare, does that guy even know how to smile .He still looked so sexy, oh god he could smell everything I had going on rift now. Calm Stiles.calm.

I walked casually up to Derek "hi,I'm just going to sit in the kitchen and watch paint peel" seriously Stiles you couldn't have thought of anything better to say. I pushed past Derek and he just grunted. At least he didn't crack my head open.

Derek and Scott went of to train and I sat in the kitchen watching paint peel, seriously guys I'm joking! More like i stared out the window and watched how Der's muscles flexed in his shirt, he was so strong and powerful, i'd be his red riding good if he'd let me in. Derek always had his guard up like a shield. I just wanted to make the big bad wolf smile and I wanted to be his little cupcake. He could be my big bad wolfy.

I snapped out of my little trance and ran to the window as soon as I saw Derek collide with a tree,I really wanted to run outside and smack Scott straight in the face and kick him until I cried but I stayed were I was. Stupid Scott hurting my Der, well he wasn't mine but still.

Just as I was going to sit back on my stool and continue my day dream, Derek looked at me but it wasn't just a look it was like he could feel everything I was feeling. Like he could sense it, his red eyes slowly faded to blue and then to his greeny grey. Before I had time to analyse further Derek said something to Scott and Scott turned and ran into the forest. Derek shook his body as if to get rid of something and he turned towards the back door, towards me.

Authors note:
I hope you liked it I haven't written in a while this is one f my old stories from but I decided to put it here let me know if you want the next chapter it's Derek's point of view. thanks for reading xxxx

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