Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

      No one noticed I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday, no one cared. I was walking to lunch when a teacher grabbed my beanie off. "What the-!!" I spun around, and made my ears lay as flat as they could.

“What the, is correct, Mrs. Dawn. What do you think you’re doing? Wearing hats inside the building?" she scolded me. Shit! I don't fucking care just give me back my hat, old hag!! Instead I said, “Mrs. LA teacher, I'm terribly not sorry for breaking the rules. I already have lunch detention so please I wouldn't want to anger another teacher with my actions of being late." While she was stunned trying to process the whole thing, I took back what was rightfully mine, and ran towards the lunch room.

      Once inside, I made my way to the doors that led outside. It was still drizzling a bit, so few people were out. I opened the door and chose my favorite spot. It was a tall oak tree that was easy to climb; it was tall enough that if you went to the top, and you could jump well, you can be on the roof. That was my destination. I was working my way to the top when I saw a person just trudging in the street towards my school. He was unbelievably slow, a car went in front of him he turned to chase it, but someone inside the cafeteria screamed so loudly, that the man turned his attention towards the school's gates again. The streets were almost deserted, except for that man and a few cars. Once he reached the gates, he didn't pressed the button, instead he just collided into the gates, put his hands through the bars, and continued to bump into the gate, like it was going to open sooner or later. While I was watching this happen, I felt someone's gaze on me. I whipped my head around, to see the Cat-Boy grinning widely at me. What a stalker. I turned my gaze back to the man; the loudspeaker came on and said "Excuse me, sir! You have to press the button and identify yourself!" a moan came from his mouth. I almost fell out of my tree, from laughing so hard.

"It’s not funny." The Cat-Boy was next to me now.

“And why not?" I said through giggles. He looked at me, as if saying 'Are you really that dumb?'

"What?" I asked, offended.

“What do you know that moans like that and is stupid enough to ram into a gate?" he answered with a question. I looked back at the man, three teachers were making their way towards the man, one was a cook, another was the PE coach, and the last one was my LA teacher. They all held 'weapons', a spatula, a baseball bat, and a coat rack.

"Sir! Identify yourself!" My LA teacher said to the man. The PE teacher was a bit more aggressive. He grabbed the man and slammed him against the rails

"Tell us what the hell you’re doing here." he spat into his face

"Dawn. We have to get out of here."

          Climbing the rest of the way up to the tree and jumping onto the roof, was the easy part. The stairs were the excruciating part for me. “What was that?” I said, wheezing. The anonymous man had taken a chunk out of the P.E.’s neck, spewing blood every which way. Obviously the teacher died, while the man continued to ram himself into the gate. My L.A. teacher clearly pissed her skirt and attempted to help the dead P.E. teacher. Then it was the P.E.’s teacher turn to eat. He took a good sized portion out of the L.A. teacher’s cheek, and started to eat her, literally. My foot skipped a step, and I attempted to step on an imaginary one. “Cahhhh!!!” I flew forward and pushed Cat-Boy the last two steps to the bottom. We both did a face plant into a teacher’s arm.

“Get to class Love Birds, before I write you up.” Clearly she was oblivious to the massacre that was happening at the front gate. We scrambled pass.

“Cat-Boy-“ I started.

“Ryan.” He corrected me.

“Ryan. What in the world was that? At the gate!” Clearly this boy was more athletic than I thought. I struggled to keep his pace.

“What movies have this same type of person, and scene?”

“That’s a bad habit.” I said panting.

“What?” We turned to my class.

"Answering with a question!" He opened the door and i went tumbling into the class.

"Oh. Well, grab your stuff." I walked/sprinted to my desk. The class was quiet. They were taking a quiz, and the teacher probably stepped out to get the nurse to 'check his throat'.

"Where you going?" Lucy whispered to me.

"Suck-" I stopped. Ther's a massacre going on outside, with the dead coming back to life. I can't just leave her. I sighed. She is practically the only friend i have, well if you count our hate-hate relationship. No, she'll be extra baggage.

"Suck?" I grabbed my bag, and walked back to the door. I let the door close behind me.

"Ready?" I rolled my eyes. It'd eat me up inside if i left her here, with out helping her. I opened the door and stared at her.

"Well, you coming?" It took her a moment, to make since that I was talking to her.


"Don't ask." I couldn't help but smile. She wanted to go. To be rebellious, but at the same time she wanted to get a good grade. I sighed. "If you're stuck on #7 it D. All of the Above. How do I know? I cheated. Now you coming or not. Last chance." It felt like a whole day passed before the words slipped out her mouth.

"Y-yes." She snatched her book bag, turned in her quiz, and came out the door.

"Ready?" This time it was Joey's voice.

"And why is he here?" Nothing but scorn came out.

"Why is she here?" Joey snapped back. My need to defend her, came out.

"Because she's my friend." I grabbed her hand and pulled her ahead.

"We should go out the back." I shot a death look at Ryan. "Seems safer."

"Whatever." I shooed them ahead with my hand. "Wait we should get weapons. I mean they're cannibals."

"What?!" Lucy squealed from...excitement. We rushed into a classroom, to take shelter from the vice-Principal. That's when at least 20 people died.


Feedback is my best friend! (yeah right.)

but please feedback for this sucky writer!


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