Chapter 1

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It's cold in here.

It's also dark despite the light trying to shine through the blinds.

All I can hear is the buzzing of the computers and the clicks of heels walking down the hallway.

Why are they wearing heels anyways? This is a hospital not dinner with the president. Also the clicking is driving me crazy and doesn't help my anxiousness.

I'm waiting for my parents to finish signing me out. Why are they taking so long? I made sure that they thought that I was better now. I mean I am better now, kinda.

As I'm waiting I hear softer footsteps coming in my direction. I look up and my eyes meet one of my friends from here. Her name is Skylar. She says she likes it here because she feels safe. She told me that she's better but she pretends to still be mad so she can stay .here. I dont understand it though. All that's here is fake sympathy and chicken soup.

"How'd you do it?" she says quietly. I give her a weird face that shows I'm confused even though I understand perfectly.

"You know, get them to let you leave?"

"They let you leave when your better" I reply coldly.

"But your not better. Just yesterday you ate nothing."

"Just because I didn't eat in front of you doesn't mean I didn't eat."

"I know you. Your not better."

"You don't know me at all" I reply abruptly in an offensive tone.

Just then the door opens revealing my parents. Their smiling which most likely means i can go home. I smile too so they don't suspect anything.

"Let's get you home." my mom says, her voice welcoming.

I follow them out the door only turning back once to find Skylar staring at me coldly. Huh, to think she was my friend.

The only bad thing about getting out of that hell hole is that their gonna make me finish high school. I only have one month left but they're still making me go. It just sucks because everyone there knows why I was gone and I don't really have the nicest people at my school.

My parents try to make small talk with me in the car on the way home which I hate. They already know what's been going on in my life so why do they have to ask again?

When we arrive at my house I feel much better. Something about my house comforts me and I wish I was able to have rehab there if it was possible.

They bring me to my room that has been changed completely. They painted the walls to a baby blue and the once wooden floor is replaced by a clean white carpet. My bed is made and my posters have vanished from my walls. My old stuffed animals have been placed on my bed for the first time in 10 years. It feels like a kids room and I hate it.

But of course I tell them that I love it.

"We weren't so sure about the white carpet because things can be easily spilled but we think it brightens the room up." my dad says to me. I can tell theyre trying to force happiness on me, another thing I hate. They leave me to take in the room and disappear downstairs.

On the table next to me I see my phone. I actually have no use for it because I have no friends anymore. I was gone for too long. I didn't really have a strong connection with any of them anyways.

My parents soon call me down for dinner and (it wasn't a surprise) they had made my favorite, Fettichini Alfredo. After that I take a shower, it makes me feel clean of the hospital. Im exhausted and after the shower I curl up in my bed and quickly fall asleep.


I awake to the sunlight pouring out of my open curtains. Ugh school today. Then I realize I'm late. I must be late because the sun doesn't shine at 6am. I check my phone to see I was right. It's 9pm and im really late for school. Maybe I just won't go. I lay back in my bed and try to resume sleeping but am disturbed by my mom.

"Come on their letting you go late but you have to be there by 9:30 so hurry up" my mom says quickly and walks back downstairs.

Well this is easy. I get out of bed unwillingly and quickly fix my bun so it's still messy but doesn't look like a birds nest. Then I put on a little mascara and go downstairs where I hope to find breakfast. Sure enough my mom has French toast made for me. I eat half of it since I ate all of dinner last night, and grab my backpack, keys and phone and head to the door.

"Your driving yourself?" my mom says out of nowhere.

"Yea, why wouldn't I?" I reply confused. I always drive myself to school.

"Well I just thought since, you know, that I could bring you"

"I can manage"

"Well at least change to something a little more decent" I look down at my old cheer t-shirt and my baggy sweatpants.

"Looks good to me"

"Please, it's your first day back" she's pleads. I figure I should do it just to make her happy so I go change into my ripped jeans and a hoodie and head back downstairs.

"Better" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day!" she shouts out the door as I walk to my car.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

School was just how I expected it to be. Everyone kept staring at me and asking me how I am and how they're glad I'm back even though I know they're not.

At lunch one of my old friends offered for me to sit with her, and I did because there was no where else to sit. Overall the day was boring and when I came home I sat in my room and listened to music.

Now I'm eating dinner and it doesn't surprise me that it's leftovers from yesterday's dinner. My parents always liked to eat all the leftovers before cooking another meal.

I lay in bed and think about how completely boring my day was. At the hospital it was always eventful, not always in a good way though. I don't miss it at all.

But I do wish my day was more eventful. Before I sleep I make a plan to skip school tomorrow and soon after fall asleep.


Sorry my writing is really poor I swear it will get better as the story progresses. Make sure to tell me in the comments how you like it! Also make sure to vote(:

I'll post the next chapter when this gets 5 votes and at least 1 comment


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