Chapter 6

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(sorry I haven't updated for a while)


My phone hasn't rung yet.

Or buzzed. Or beeped or made any noise at all. Maybe Liam lost the paper. Maybe Zayn lost the paper. Maybe he doesn't like me after all.

I should forget about it though. I was stupid to think he liked me at all.

Anyways It's Monday. Which means school. I should skip it but maybe it's best for me. Only 3 weeks left. I've actually made a new friend at school and I hang out with her there instead of my old friends. She doesnt care that I was in the hospital. She doesn't pity me like the others. And that's why I like her.

I get out of my car and head to the entrance where she is also headed. I hurry to catch up with her.

"Hey Mary" I say to her.

"Oh hey Kat. You decided to come to school today?"

"Yup." Our conversations were always this boring. It didn't bother me much. I just needed a friend to get me through the remaining 3 weeks.

I hurried to my first class where I had to take a careers test. It would determine whether I go to a university, or what job I'm most suited for. It's just a suggestion. It's not like if the results say you are most suited to be a janitor that you HAVE to be a janitor, it's just a suggestion. So the test didn't stress me out at all and I breezed right through it.

I have first lunch so after my second period class I got to go to lunch, which is good because I don't eat breakfast anymore and get very hungry during the school day.

Today Mary suggests that we eat in the courtyard. Normally I would decline but today I felt different than my self and I agreed. So we sat in the scorching heat eating food that insects kept trying to steal all the while listening to the birds annoyingly chirp. Its horrid really. How do people find it peaceful.

Im in the middle of another boring conversation with Mary when my phone rings, which is weird. Only my parents call me now, and they would never call me at school. I check the number but I don't recognize it. Normally I wouldn't answer it because it's probably a prank call, but like I said, I'm not feeling myself today.

"Hello?" I say. There's a bit of silence on the line before a familiar british accent speaks.

"Is this Aurora?" he asks.

"Yea, who is this?"

"Zayn. Malik. Liam gave me your number."

"Oh hey I was waiting for you to call me." Wow that makes me sound desperate. I mean I was waiting for him to call but I didn't check my phone the whole day .

"Really?" I could tell he was smiling because of the silence and a quick breathe out of his nose. Which only made me smile. Dammit.

"Yea." Just then the bell rang and everyone started to leave the courtyard and head to their classes. "Hey I have to go now."

"Okay, Call me after school okay?"



"Okay fine." Once again I heard silence and a quick breathe out of the nose. I smile and hang up, returning my phone to my pocket.

"Who was that?" Mary asked. I hesitated before answering.

"Nobody." I answer happily. That call really put me in the right mood. All I could think about was going home and talking to him again.


As soon as I get home I go and get icecream and head up to my room. I decided to call Zayn after dinner so I wouldn't seem so desperate.

But when I was 45 minutes into The Notebook my phone went off. I look at the caller and to my surprise it's Zayn. I thought I was supossed to call him?

"Hey Zayn." I say, kinda confused.

"Hey Kat. Sorry I just figured you were out of school by now and I was getting worried that you weren't gonna call me at all." he answers.

"I was actually gonna call you after dinner but we can talk now."

"Hey are you busy at the moment?" he asks

"Um no? I'm just watching The Notebook and talking to you."

"Do you want to go get some coffee maybe?"

"Zayn it's 3pm."

"Yea so?" he says. I sigh and soon answer.

"Same place?"

"Yea." I bring my icecream downstairs and return it to my freezer where it will wait for me.

"Kay I'll be there soon." I say and then end the call. I slip on my boots and jacket and head out, forgetting to tell my parents. But I figure they'll probably figure it out.

I enter the deserted coffee shop that currently only holds an old couple and a man in a beanie and sunglasses, well Zayn to be specific. As soon as he sees me he removes the glasses and nods his head to the owner who then closes the blinds.

"Hey!" Zayn says smiling. "What's up?"

"Well I just got out of school like an hour ago so nothing exciting has happened."

"Oh, sorry. I should have asked you to hang out tomorrow." he paused. "I just needed someone to talk to. Keep my mind off of things. And the first person I though of was you."

"Why whats up?"

"Nothing it's just the boys they-" he stops himself and looks at me for a while.



"You were saying?"

"Sorry I just realized I can't tell you."

I laughed a little "Why not?"

"You wouldn't understand. We can't tell people about what's going on."



"Well how are you gonna keep your mind off of whatever's going on without telling someone?"

He was quiet for a moment. "Your right. I should just go talk to my family or something." he says and starts to get up. But something inside of me wants him to stay. To open up to me. I grab his arm.

"Don't you trust me?" I say looking up at him. We lock eyes and stay like that for what seems like forever.

"I hardly know you." he answers.

"I don't know much about you either you know. Magazines, articles, websites, they all just talk about things on the surface."

"Well then why don't we get to know eachother?" he says sitting back down.

I laugh a little before saying "I don't see why not."

And we talked for hours until my mom realized I was gone and demanded I come home thinking I was out doing drugs or something.

But that night was the night that I actually felt okay. I didn't feel alone. And when I came back home I made myself Maccaroni and Cheese. And I ate the whole thing.


Hope you liked this chapter!

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