Chapter 4

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All Zayn talks about is her.

Well for the past 2 days that is. He's mad at himself that he didn't get her number. I hope he sees her again and they keep in touch. He hasn't been this happy in a while, the fighting is really getting to him. I try the best I can to break up the fights but it's 3 of them and one of me so it's hard. I can tell something's going on between the three but im kinda out of the loop and I wish I could disappear like Zayn does when the fights get heated.

But I kinda have to be like the "dad" in the group because someone has to be.

And this morning they're at it again. I walk out into the kitchen where I just catch Zayn putting on his jacket. I grab his arm to stop him from leaving.

"Where do you keep going?" I ask him.

"None of your business." he replies and tries to break free from my grip.

"Actually it is my business. Because I'm your friend. And their your friends too." I say pointing my arm towards the boys fighting. Zayn doesn't look at them. "But the way you keep acting I don't really think you want the fighting to stop. You can't just run away from your problems Zayn"

"I have to go" he says quietly and heads out the door.


The yells are getting louder so that means I should step in.

"GUYS GUYS break it up, do you have to fight every morning!" I say. It won't help anything but it stopped the fight for a good three seconds.

"Yea well do you have to keep butting in to every fight we have? This has nothing to do with you Liam so why don't you just leave us alone." Louis says in his usual sassy tone.

"Fine. If that's what you really want. Have fun fucking tearing the band apart." I say and grab my coat and head out the door.

I try to find Zayn but he's nowhere to be seen. So I go to Starbucks to get some coffee.

I wait about 10 minutes in line just so I can get my coffee, it's ridiculous. But at least the coffees worth it.

I look around for somewhere to sit but all the seats are taken. But there is some girl sitting at a table that doesn't look too rude so I go and sit next to her.

"Excuse me can I sit here?" I ask. She looks up at me and says that yes, I can. There's something about her eyes that's familiar. The way their big and brown. And then again her hair is familiar, long and dark brown. And then it clicks.

"Excuse me what's your name?" I ask suddenly.

"Kat.." she says slowly, obviously confused by my enthusiasm. "Why?"

"It's Liam!" I say "You know from One Direction, the band Zayn Malik is in"

She stares at me for a second examining me. That's when I realize I'm in disguise. Nothing extreme but I have glasses and a hat on, and my jacket is something I normally wouldn't wear.

Something tells me that she doesn't think it's really me, so I tilt my sunglasses down so she can see my eyes.

"Oh hey it is you." she says.

"Yea. Hey, Zayn hasn't stopped talking about you."

"Oh, really?" she says surprised. But I can also hear a little disappointment in her voice. Does she not want him to like her? The way Zayn explained it it seemed like they had a really nice conversation.

"Yea and he feels really stupid for not getting your number. Can I get it for him?" I ask, hopeful.

"He wants my number? Really?" she questions.

"Yea why wouldn't he? He really wants to know more about you. So your number is?" I ask again hoping she would give in.

She rips off a piece of a nearby napkin and writes down her number, slides it towards me and smiles. "I have to go now." she says and heads out the door.

Even though I should take advantage of this empty seat, I head home where I hope Zayn is already.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When I arrive home it's weirdly quiet. Normally I would be happy but this time it scares me. I wasn't here to stop the fight so there's no way they could have resolved it.

I hurry to the living room where Harry and Niall are quietly talking on the couch. I look around and am glad to see nothing is damaged.

"Zayn here?" I ask them. They stare at me for a while like they were deep in a conversation and hadnt even noticed I was there.

"No... he hasn't come back yet." Niall says quietly. Harry turns to face me and that's when I notice something's wrong. Both their faces look tired, but Harry's looks sad, and Nialls looks confused.

"What happened?" I ask and take one more look around the house. "Where's Louis?" I takes a while for them to respond.

"He um.. left" Harry says quietly, his head down.

"When was this?" I ask angered.

"A little bit after you left."

"Are you fucking kidding me? He could be anywheres now!" I say and put my coat back on.

"Wait where are you going?" Niall says quickly.

"Where do you think?"

"Can um, can I come?" Harry mumbles.

"Yea but hurry" I say. Niall just stares at Harry as he gets up and gets his coat on. He hesitates before getting up too.

"I'll come too" he says and puts in his coat.

We head out on the road, Harry and Niall looking at the streets for a mad or sad short man. Since I'm driving I look for his car.

I can't help but think how Zayn will react when he comes home to see we're all missing.


Sorry this chapter was also short. I promise the next one will be longer because it will focus on two people.

Please give me feedback!

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