Read Me

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It was finally Wednesday and Alfred was really excited to take Arthur out for tea. Ever since he had walked into the hospital that day he instantly found himself attracted to the green-eyed doctor. Something about the messy blond hair and the bushy eyebrows made Alfred smile. He hadn't been in many relationships before. After his parents died, he closed himself off from everyone except his brother Matthew. Before the accident, Alfred had had a few crushes here and there, but only one serious relationship. His Hyperthymesia usually turned people away. He had felt like a worthless freak for so long, but now that he met Arthur he didn't feel so worthless anymore. 

He had no idea how long it would be before Arthur found out Alfred had Hyperthymesia, but he hoped that moment never came. Little did he know, Arthur already knew. 

It was Wednesday and Alfred had been in his house all day, searching for a job in London. Ever since him and Matthew moved there he had been looking for a job. Matthew had become a barista, but Alfred knew he would go insane if he was ever forced to work in a coffee shop, so he decided not to follow in his brother's footsteps. He looked for a linguist position, considering he was fluent in 25 languages, soon to be 26. Learning languages wasn't hard since he could never forget anything, and he loved learning about other cultures, so he figured maybe a job concerning languages would be perfect for him. 

When he finally noticed it was 6 o'clock and Arthur's shift was over, he decided to text him:

Alfred: Hey Arthur, what time should I pick you up for tea?

Arthur: I'm a little frazzled right now, how about we meet there in twenty?

Alfred: Yeah that's fine. Can't wait to see you!

Arthur: Cya! (:

Alfred: Bye :D

Alfred smiled as he got dressed for his date. The previous date with Arthur had gone so well but he had regretted not kissing him. Today was the day he would finally do it. Arthur was an angel in Alfred's eyes. He was small and adorable, yet incredibly smart and funny. He just hoped that his Hyperthymesia wouldn't mess it up for him. He had been visiting Lovino and Antonio in the hospital once a week but had yet to tell Arthur why he was being tested. Arthur never asked, so Alfred assumed he was in the clear. 

The twenty minute ride to the teahouse was filled with nervous twitching and a lot of checking himself out in the mirror by Alfred. He was so excited to see Arthur again. When he got out of the car he was met with a freezing wind, creepily out of the ordinary for a September night.  He shivered before walking into the teahouse. Arthur wasn't there yet, so he decided to check in with the host.

"Hello. Reservation for Alfred Jones. 7pm." Alfred stated as he walked up to the woman at the front desk. She smiled at him before looking down at the computer and typing his name in. She furrowed her brow in confusion and looked back up at him before saying,

"Sir, someone with that reservation has already checked in."

"Oh, okay! Must be my date. Sorry to bother you." Alfred apologized. Arthur must've gotten there before him and sat down. He thanked her and then made his way to the tea room, where there were at least a dozen couples sitting down for tea. He looked around but failed to find Arthur. He furrowed his brow and looked around more before spotting a slip of paper on the table nearest to him labelled Alfred Jones: Read Me. Alfred felt a little wary as he picked up the paper for a closer look. He flipped it to the back and read:  I'm in the kitchen! Come find me!

Alfred grew slightly anxious at the note, not recognizing it as Arthur's handwriting. Arthur had written a doctor's note once for a patient while talking with Alfred once, and Alfred had memorized the way his handwriting looked on paper. This was not Arthur's. 

Deciding that maybe someone else had written the letter for Arthur, Alfred made his way to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen he found a pastry chef who was busy filling in macaroons.

"Excuse me Miss, but did you happen to see a blond, green-eyed man pass through here?" Alfred asked curiously.

"Are you Alfred?" she inquired, looking up from her macaroons. 

"Um. Yes?" Alfred answered with concern in his voice.

"Your boyfriend is in the ice room." she stated, looking back down to fill in more macaroons. 

"My boyfriend?" Alfred questioned, a mixture of confusion and paranoia brewing in his brain. He never asked Arthur to be his boyfriend, so he was starting to doubt the legitimacy of the note on the table. The woman never answered so Alfred continued, warily making his way to the door labeled "ice room". He tugged on the cold door handle, slowly opening the door, and winced as the bright light of the freezer room blinded him. 

Everything suddenly went downhill from there. As Alfred tried to recover from the blinding light, he felt a strong arm shove him down to the ground. He still couldn't see but his heart was now pounding in shock, making it hard to understand what was going on. His vision nearly recovered and he saw a hint of familiar violet as a cloth was placed around his mouth. He struggled on the freezing ground for a moment, trying to push whoever was on top of him back, but eventually everything went black.

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