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(Warning: Harsh language)

Alfred woke up hazy, confused as to where he was. He was sitting on the cold, concrete floor of a room he didn't recognize. He looked like he was in a storage room. There were shelves with boxes of things he couldn't really read. It wasn't in English. He looked around the relatively small room and noticed a steel door. There was light coming through from underneath it so he assumed it was daytime. He remembered going on a date with Arthur and being tricked into going into the kitchen and then getting attacked. He didn't know who, but he had a decent idea. 

As he approached the steel door he heard a few muffled voices, not recognizing them. He turned the knob on the door and opened it slowly, making sure not to make any noise. He peeked through the small crack in the door to reveal a large, empty warehouse. There was no point in staying in the supply closet if someone was just going to come for him eventually, so he opened the door even more and stuck his head out, looking in both directions this time to reveal a few cars parked in the warehouse. He still heard voices, not speaking in English. There was a girl, her voice sharp and poisonous like venom, and then there was another voice, one he recognized all two well. Everything suddenly came back to him. 

The violet eyes. The "unknown" language. 

He suddenly had the urge to fight. With as much confidence as he could muster, Alfred swung the door open and strode out, heading in the direction of the voices. Like the storage closet, there was another steel door, but this time it led into a corridor, which is where Alfred assumed the voices were coming from. Alfred walked through the corridor furiously, knowing exactly who was at the end of it. He continued walking until he reached the door he was sure his kidnapper was behind. 

As he slammed open the door, he heard a gasp, and then a laugh. 

"Oh, Alfred. How nice of you to join us." the violet-eyed demon greeted, smiling at the sight of the American.

"I'll kill you Ivan." America warned, his voice unwavering. The Russian man just laughed again. They were in a small office, and the girl's voice he had heard earlier was Natalia's, Ivan's sister. She gave a sickening smile and a sarcastic wave before returning to whatever she was trying on her laptop.

"Do you not miss me?" Ivan questioned, stepping closer to Alfred with a look admiration in his eyes. He reached out to touch him but Alfred stepped back, giving the Russian a disgusted look.

"I wish you were dead." Alfred spat back. Ivan drew back, looking offended, before smirking once again.

"You're always so sassy. That's what I love about you." 

"I'm leaving." Alfred stated, turning around to walk back out the corridor. 

"You might want to think twice about leaving my dear Alfred." Ivan warned, suddenly sounding threatening. 

"What?!" Alfred shot back, turning back around to face the Russian he despised so much. Ivan winked and looked at the corner of the office. Alfred's eyes followed Ivan's and his mouth dropped open in shock at the sight in front of him. There, lying in the corner of the room, completely unconscious, was Arthur, the date he was supposed to be meeting before he was kidnapped. Ivan laughed at Alfred's agape expression as Alfred bent down to inspect his date. There were no cuts or bruises, but Arthur just being there was enough to make Alfred want to punch a brick wall.

"Why would you drag him into this?!" Alfred asked furiously, looking back up at Ivan with hatred burning in his blue eyes.

"I don't want him interfering in the way of our relationship sweetie." Ivan responded.

"WE'RE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP. I HATE YOU. I'M LEAVING." Alfred yelled, grabbing Arthur's limp body and hoisting it over his shoulder.

"You'll be back." Ivan reassured matter-of-factly.

"Fuck you." Alfred spat before exiting the room. As he made his way out the corridor he started to cry. He thought Ivan was dead. Seeing him again hurt more than being stabbed in the chest. As he silently sobbed, he carried Arthur out of the warehouse. They were in the middle of the woods, but Alfred knew where he was. He had escaped this warehouse plenty of time before. The forest was basically his second home. 

"I'm going to kill that fucking Russian."

All will be explained in later chapters my friends. Sorry for not updating for a while.. I've been very busy. The only reason why I could really update is because i had a snow day today :')... Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading <3

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