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Hi my name is Rosy. Just Rosy nothing more. I live at Smile Acres orphanage. But it's far from that. All I ever do is get picked on by the kids here or the workers. They never call me by my actual name. I don't think they ever called me by my first name.
"Fatso there are people coming here to adopted kids do don't mess it up for them!" Mrs. Harper yells at me.
I run upstairs and run into my room. I grab my phone and put my headphones in. I listen to the only person that would care. Demi Lovato.

So I just got off my world tour and I'm back home. Don't get me wrong I love my house and being alone. But I feel like I'm missing something in my life. I pick up my phone a call Selena
S- Hey Demi what's going on. How was your world tour?
D- It was good. But since I'm done with the world tour I feel like I'm missing something in my life.  You know?
S- Why don't you adopted dog or something? Hey I got to go. Call me soon ok.
D- Sure. Have fun.
Adopted a dog not bad. Wait I'll adopted a kid!
I grab my phone and speed dial Phil my manager.
D- Phil I need to ask you a question like right now!
P- Woah Demi slow down. Now calmly tell me what the question is.
D- I want to adopted a kid. Pretty please it will keep me grounded and I can take care of it and.....
P- Demi!
D- Sorry just got carried away. I'm just so excited.
P- Yeah I can tell. You can adopted a kid but it's your responsibility got it. Oh and Demi go to bed. It's 2:00 in the morning.
I hung up and smiled to the ceiling. I'm going to be a mom to a boy or girl. I grab my laptop and look up orphanages close by. Than I see Smile Acres. I write down the address and go to bed.

"Hey tinker bell get up you worthless kid. Time to get dress for adoption day," Lilly my bully sneers pushing off the bed.
I land on the ground with a thud. I groan in pain and walk over to the bathroom.
"Why do I do this to myself. I know I won't get adopted but yet I fill myself up with hope. Than it just gets ripped out again," I cry in the mirror.
I brush my hair and put on a tigers onesies. What I'm five years old. I walk back to my room and wait to be called down.

"Beep, beep," goes my phone.
I grab it and turn it off. I lay in bed for a while trying to figure out my I set my alarm so early.
"Holy shit Demi your adopting a kid today!" I yelled running into my bathroom.
I really need to get my cursing under control. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I apply some makeup and go downstairs to get some breakfast. I race in the car and speed toward my soon to be kid.

"Aww look guys troll face is all dressed. She thinks she's getting adopted today how cute," Lilly sneers.
She steps closer and starts pulling my braids. I try to get away but her gang holds me down. I move my head only to get clawed by Lilly.
"I think I made my point here. If anything I made you prettier," Lilly laughed walking out.
I slide down the side of my bed and cried into my paws. I can't take it anymore. No one is going to save me. There all right. I'm worthless and ugly. Who would adopted a mess up. I get up and finally decide to go downstairs. There is a lot of screaming coming from the front room. I walk in and lean against the door. My mouth drops down to the floor. Standing right in front of me is the Demi Lovato. Holy potato chips.

I drive into a nice looking parking lot. I walk up the steps and inside. I see a girl maybe 30 or 40 years of age writing something down.
"Hello there I was wondering if I could adopted a kid?" I cleared my throat.
The lady looked up smiled at me. She put her papers away and motioned my to follow her. We walked into a room filled with kids.
"Attention children Demi Lovato is looking for a kid so please keep doing what your doing and she will come around and talk to you guys," the lady happily spoke.
I nodded my head and started walking around the room. I stopped to talk to some kids but they didn't really catch my attention. I turned around and caught my breath in my throat. I found the one. She as so cute. She looked like four or five years old. She was leaning against the door in a tiger onesie. Her hair was a mess and she had scratches on her face. I walked over to her and kneeled down.
"Hey look fatso, tinker bell and troll face decided to come down," a girl snickered from the crowed.
I turned around to see who said that. From the corner of my eye I saw the little girl run back upstairs.

I was leaning in the door frame when Demi Lovato came over to me. She was smiling at me to. She kneeled down in front of me. But of course Lilly had to ruin it. I ran upstairs and into my room. I crawled into my bed and hid under the covers. Tears streamed down my face making my face sticky. I pulled the covers back to get some air. I took the mirror from my nightstand and held it in my hand. I looked at my reflection. It was so ugly. All the things Lilly said was right. I broke down crying still holding the mirror. I heard the door open but didn't bother to look up. It was probably Lilly coming up to brand about getting adopted.
"Oh sweetie come here," a sweet voice cooed running over to me.
I knew that voice. It belonged to Demi. She picked me up and put my on her lap. How was she carrying me. I was too fat for her. Her hands slowly pulled the mirror out of my hand. She put it on the table and wrapped her arms around me. For once in my life I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. I felt safe and maybe wanted?
"Hey there cutie. I didn't get your name down there. My name is Demi what's yours?" Demi sweetly asked.
I didn't respond. I just stared at the floor. Demi turned me around so I was facing her. She put her finger under my chin and made me look at her.

Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now