I have what!

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Rosy hasn't been herself lately. After the accident with Wilmer she's been to herself. I walk into the kitchen only to find Rosy sitting on the counter. Her head was down and her shoulders were shaking.
"Hey, hey what's the matter baby? What got you?" I asked rushing over to her side.
I wrapped her in a hug and rocked her back and forth trying to calm her down.
"Dallas texted you so I texted back telling her it was me. She texted me b-ac-k," she sobbed into my shoulder.
I grabbed my phone and scrolled down reading the messages.

Da- Hey Demi its Dallas.
D- Hi Dallas Demi's on the phone it's Rosy.
I slammed my phone down and looked at Rosy. That's when I realized she was wearing regular clothes. She didn't look comfortable in the them. I put her on the counter and looked right at her. She avoided my glare. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her chin up.

I took off my onesies and put on regular clothes. I didn't like them. They were uncomfortable and didn't feel right. Demi picked my chin up so I was looking right at her.

Look you made Demi mad. Why can't you do anything right. Your so worthless.

"IM NOT WORTHLESS!" I scream covering my ears.
Tears fall down my cheeks as I run out of the kitchen. I run up to my room and slam the door. I grab my book and throw it against the mirror. The mirror shatters into a bunch of pieces but it doesn't crack. Instead it forms the shape of a heart. I walk into my closet and pull out my special onesies. The kangaroo.
"Rosy are you ok I heard a thud come from your room," Demi panted bursting into my room.
I turned around and nodded. Once Demi saw me she smiled. She sat on my bed and patted the spot next to her.

I was cleaning the dishes when I heard a thud come from Rosy's room. I ran up the stairs and burst into her room. She turned around and looked at me. I smiled at her. She has her onesies on. I sit on her bed and pat a spot next to me. She walks over and crawls onto the bed.
"Rosy why do you wear onesies all the time and not regular clothes?" I asked looking at her.
She twiddled with her thumbs and looked at our feet.
"If I tell you your going to run away," she whispered.
I put her on my lap and held her as tight as I could.
"I would never run away. I will always be here for you," I sternly said.

Demi asked why I wear onesies and my regular clothes. I was finally going to tell her my biggest fear and secret.
"I was five when I was put in the orphanage. My mom and dad would tell me everyday that I'm worthless fat and unloved. The would hit me and kick me all the time. One time I screamed so loud the police came and took my parents away. I was five. I was put into the orphanage and instantly I was getting picked on. Since I'm so small people made fun of me. The would call me tinker bell and fairy or midget," I cried into Demi's chest.
She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me back and forth.
"Ever since than I've been wearing onesies. The make me feel safe and I don't have to look in the mirror to see how ugly I am. They cover it up for me," I hiccup into her chest.

"They cover up how ugly I am," she whispered into my chest.
I pulled her away from me so I could see her. Tears were stained down her face and she was shaking.
"Rosy I want you to listen to me very carefully. You are worth living in this world. You are perfect the way you are and you going to stay that way too. You are not ugly you are beautiful. If onesies make you feel safe than you can keep wearing them. But you are beautiful with or without them on understand," I spoke looking right at her.
She leaned into my chest and cried.  I held her until she was ready to let go.
"Wow Demi that was beautiful. No wonder everyone loves you," Max sniffles wiping a tear away from his eye.
I looked up at him and smiled. Rosy turned around and her mouth opened.
"MAXY!" She screamed running into his arms.
Max caught her and spun her around the room.

Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now