Death road

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Binky was on the ground, Zara was on her knees. I ran to Binky and checked his pulse. He was still breathing but it was slowly getting slower. I grabbed a pair of tweezers and grabbed the bullet from the hole it went through. King came back with stitches and some of our medical personnel. I grabbed Zara and took her to the room. She layed on the bed and fiddled with one of my guns. I tried to grab it from her but she jumped off the bed. I closed my eyes when the gun went off. I grabbed her limp body a pool of blood behind her.

Night came in. Tears rolled down my face like a waterfall. He looked at Zara and picked her up from my arms, blood was all over my hands. I washed off my arms and hands, King came in tears were still rolling down my cheeks I wiped my face. "She was just a newbie you being a big wuss,"  King said.

"I ain't no wuss, King," I snapped.

"Yes you are you can't control yo feelings towards a newbie," he laughed.

"Actually I can so you can just shut up," I said.

"Me shut up, I don't think so wussy," he said.

"SHUT UP KING YOU A FUCKING WUSSY!," I screamed then punched him. He looked at me bewildered, I looked at him in fear. He grabbed my arms and pulled me to God's Forbidden. He chained me up and left. I was stuck here for only God knows. I looked around dried up blood stains, old food scraps,bones, and shattered glass lay everywhere. King came back down holding Bianca in his arms he chained her up and left.


"YES I CAN I JUST DID WATCH ME LEAVE NOW!," he called. I looked at Bianca she was bawling her eyes out. I looked at the blood on my legs and gagged. That blood was not my own I forgot that I was sitting in Zara's blood puddle it was hot and sticky. King came down with a cold towel and rubbed my legs and not gently. He grabbed his belt and whupped Bianca all over. Sometimes I wonder if he actually loves me he tells me lies and I fall for him like any sucker would. He started to whup me with his whip I screamed in pain I get the nice hard whip and Bianca gets the belt that can dig into your skin but not kill you.

I passed out when he punched my head. I was passed out for some time. By the time I woke back up it was midnight. Bianca wasn't by my side anymore, I felt someone rub my leg I started kicking frantically.

"It's Zara," the person said.

"No she's dead who are you," I whispered.

"Zara. I didn't shoot my head, I shot my shoulder when Night got me and we were far from King I tugged on his shirt to let him know I was alive," she explained.

"Why are you here if King catches you your actually going to be dead," I said.

She didn't answer. I heard the chains on my arms click, soon my legs and arms were free. " I have a bag of clothes and food we need to leave." Zara grabbed my arm. We ran upstairs and out the back door. We jumped over the fence. We ran for hours. I sat down at the curb, Zara looked at me and grabbed my arm.

"Zara I'm out of breath, why can't we stop," I said.

"No if we stop we might get caught come on we're almost there," she groaned.

"Fine but it's almost sunrise and a girl has got to get her sleep," I said. She rolled her eyes and we ran. We stopped at a small house it wasn't abandoned it was just near many abandoned houses. We walked to the backyard. She opened the screen door and crept down stairs. We sat on a princess bed it was pink like any princess would want it.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My room I know it's a little young but as long as I can sleep in it I'm fine," she smiled. I nodded. I layed on the bed and fell asleep. Zara woke me up my eyes popped open even though I didn't want them to. She put her hand over my mouth. She closed and locked the door. I looked at her confused she just shook her head at me.

"Don't talk he's here," she whispered. I nodded. She went into a hidden room in her closet. I kept my mouth closed. The door started shaking tears started rolling down my face. King busted through the door he looked at me. I looked back at him. He grabbed my arm and took me upstairs, he put me in the front seat.

"You going right back to God's Forbidden when we get back," he said.

"If you actually loved me I'd never be in there you don't care about me, " I cried.

"Nicole I care about you a lot but what people gone say if I don't care," he said.

"We gone be at the bottom of every gang in the street does it matter, no it doesn't is that all you care about impressing yo dad when you know he just gone do something totally different.," I said.

He put a gun to my head and grunted," Don't talk about my dad bitch, I can do whatever I want," he said.

"Jordan I know you not like this you just doing this for yo daddy," I whispered.

He looked at me like I was crazy. He stopped the truck at a hill, he got out to open my door. He pulled me out and spun me around. I laughed. "I wouldn't do all that stuff if I didn't care about you, it hurts me to hurt you but shit has to be done," he smirked.

"Jordan I believe you but you take me to death road all the time you may kill me that's not love right there," I said.

"Death road huh? I never knew I just thought I was beating the snot out of ya not ya whole life." he laughed. It felt like we were still in high school when he took me on that picnic. I smiled and kissed him. Someone awe'd behind us. King looked behind him. Zara and Binky stood behind us.

"Wait a minute, Zara I thought you were dead," King said.

"No I couldn't risk doing that," Zara smiled.

"What I don't get it," King said. Binky rubbed Zara's belly. King did his little gang hand shake with Binky. I laughed. Did you think this was the end of the book no we're just kindling our love next chapter will be about Zara then how King's father takes it.

Book 1: Gang LoveWhere stories live. Discover now