While I was walking into school my phone vibrated in my hand. I checked it and I had gotten a text from Alexis or Lexi for short.
(L- Lexi, D- Danielle)
L- Where you at hoe?
D- Haha very funny, but I'm just walking in.
L- Alright meet the girls and I by the gym.
D- Alright be there in a minute.
I walked over to the gym where I met up with all the girls except for Lea.
"Where's Lea?" I asked the girls.
"I don't know," said all of them. While we were about to walk into the gym to get our schedules we heard a familiar voice yell,"hey juniors!" Only to find Lea with a boy beside her. "Hey Lea," we all said and we all formed a group hug.
"So who's this," I asked pointing to the guy next to her. "Guys I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Alexander," said Lea. All the girls introduced themselves then finally came my turn,"hi I'm Danielle," I smiled then put out my hand for him to shake, " hi I'm Alex," he smiled while shaking my hand. Wow he's got a really nice smile, he's kind of cute to. Dammit Danielle stop thinking that, that's your best friends boyfriend for crying out loud. You don't even know him, he could be a total player for all you know.
"Earth to Danielle," Melanie said while waving her hand in my face. "Oh yeah sorry, what did you say again," I asked. "Let's get our schedules," she said while all of us walked into the gym and got our schedules.We all went to different lines since we had last names that started started with different letters. While I was standing in line Alexander came up behind me.
"Oh hey Alexander."
"Hey! Danielle,right?" He asked.
"Yup that's me haha, so what are you doing in the R line Alexan-"
"Alex," he said. "What?" I asked. "You can call me Alex," he said.
"Well alright then Alex, what are you doing in the R line? I thought you had the same last name as Lea."
"My last name is Raggs," he told me.
"Oh well that's a cool last name," I told him.
"I guess it's alright, so what's yours?" He asked me.
"Rodgers," I tell him.
"Well hello Danielle Rodgers, I'm Alexander Raggs," he smiled and held out his hand.
"Hello Alexander Raggs, I'm Danielle Rodgers," I shook his hand and giggled.We talked while waiting in line until we finally got to the front. After I got my schedule I waited for Alex to get his. After he got his schedule we went to go meet the other girls by the door. Once we had gotten to the door Alex's lips were immediately greeted by Lea's. Ew gross get a room please. But then I noticed he backed away from her and held her hand instead. Weird I thought to myself.
I compared my classes to the girls and well guy. I had 1st period history with Lea, 2nd period science with Melanie, 3rd period English with Phoebe, 4th period math with Lea and Alex, 5th period gym with Lexi, 6th period Spanish with Ashley, and right after 3rd period I have lunch with all of them.
"Hey how come you only have 6 periods when the rest of us have 7," asked Phoebe.
"I went to summer school so I could clear my schedule a bit," I told her.
"Wait you only have 6 classes?" Alex asked me.
"I thought we kind of just made that clear," I told him.
"Oh yeah sorry haha," he said nervously. "Well I only have 6 classes also, so maybe we could hang out after school or something while we wait for the others to get out."
"Well I was gonna go get a banana split from Baskin Robins after school"
"Cool if I join?"
"Sure. The more the better," I smiled.
"Alright cool. So what time should I be there?"
"How about 3?"
"Sounds good to me"
"Alright see you then."*Ding ding*
"Oh crap we only have 3 minutes to get class," said Ashley before rushing off.
"Bye see y'all at lunch," I told all of them before rushing off to history with Lea. We stepped into the classroom right before the bell rung. We took our seats in the back of the classroom and sat next to each other. A few minutes later while everyone was getting situated the teacher introduced herself."Hello guys I am Ms. Morris," she started off and continued telling us about her class. While she was talking Lea and I decided to start our own conversation.
"So how did you and Alex meet?" I asked her.
"Well I was riding my bike around the neighborhood and I kind of ran into him on the sidewalk," she told me. We both giggled quietly so we wouldn't get in trouble. "So what do you think about?" She asked me.
"He seems like a really nice guy, probably the best one you've brought around so far."
*Ding ding*
That was the bell to dismiss to second period. In the hallway meet up with Melanie, and we headed to science class aka our least favorite subject.Skip to lunch
I was a little bit late to lunch and I was worried I wouldn't have a seat at the table.I finally got to the cafeteria and looked around for my friends until I saw Alex wave his hand in the air and motion me over.
"Hey I saved you a seat," he told me.
"Thanks," I told him.
I didn't bring my lunch today and I refuse to eat the nasty school lunch, so I just sat there while they all are their food.
"Didn't bring lunch," Alex asked me.
"Nope," I looked down embarrassed.
"Well this is pretty big salad and I don't think I can eat it all, so how about we split," he proposed.
I looked at the salad and saw that it was a Caesar salad. "Mmm Caesar salad my favorite," I said while he passed me a spare fork. "Oh my gosh where did you get this? This is the best salad I've ever had," I told him.
"I actually made it my self," his cheeks flushed with pink while he looked down.
"Damn Lea how come you didn't tell me your boyfriend was a chef," I joked while we all laughed a bit.After lunch we all headed 4th period. Alex and I walked together because Lea had to stop by the nurse to take some medicine for her stomach. We got to class and sat down next to each other in the back. While the teacher was introducing herself Lea walked in and gave a her a pass explaining why she was late. She was about to come sit next to us until she noticed there were no seats near us. I gave her an apologetic look, but she just shrugged it off and sat at the other side of the room.
Alex and I just joked and talked during class. Lea kept looking over at us, I felt kind of bad but it's not my fault plus it's not like there's anything going on between Alex and I and nothing ever would. I mean it would be completely wrong to steal my best friends boyfriend.
"I'm craving an ice cream done so bad," he told me.
"Just wait till after 6th period," I told him and laughed a little bit.
"Well I'm new to town so I don't really know where anything is and I took the bus to school so I kind of don't have a ride after school," he told me looking quite embarrassed.
"Well lucky for you since your my friend now you can ride with me to go get some ice cream," I said with a big goofy smile on my face.
"Thanks Danielle you're the best," he smiled.Skip to 6th period
"Adios señora Lopez," I said as I exited the Spanish room with Ashley. "Alright see you later Ash," I told her while leaving to meet up with Alex to go to Baskin Robins.
"Hey! Ready to go?" I asked him
"Ready Freddy," he chuckled a bit while we left school and walked to the car.

Stealing My Best Friends Boyfriend
Roman pour AdolescentsHave you ever developed feelings for a person you know you shouldn't? Even if you know its so wrong but you still do anyway. I never imagined that I'd fall for my best friends boyfriend. I never wanted to but it kind of just happened.