Chapter 1

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You work for WWE, not as a Diva but you still manage to work out when you have the time. Sometimes you even work out with the Superstars and Divas. Some of them are awesome and you really like them, some are just so full of themselves, you ignore them.

You're doing some push-ups when someone gets closer to you and starts speaking.

"Hey you." He says, a dimply smile flashing on his face, scaring you and making you fall on your face. You know who he is but you never properly met.

"Ouch! Ahh, you scared me, ugh!" You almost yell, sitting on the ground and grabbing your face.

"Oh God, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He says with a genuine concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You lie, your head is actually killing you.

"Well, let me see." He informs, while kneeling in front of you and replacing your hands with his so he could check on you properly. "Your forehead is a little bit red and swollen... C'mon, get up, let's get you some ice."

He gets up and grabs your hands to pull you up. Once you're up, you feel a little dizzy.

"Hey, hey! Look at me." He says, grabbing you by your waist. "You don't seem okay. C'mon, I'll take you to the hospital, you might have a concussion."

"I am okay. There is no need to-"

"Shut your mouth, you're going and that's it." He says in a rough yet concerned tone. After that, he picks you bridal style, making people in the gym look at you, then taking you to his car. He sits you down and puts your seatbelt on, then goes to the driver's seat and sits down too.

"Look, I'm sorry I made you get hurt." He says, looking sad and embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm fine, don't worry." You assure him with a small smile.

"Okay, I was looking forward to introduce myself, well... before that happened." He says, gesturing to your forehead. "I'm Dean."

"Nice to meet you, Dean. I'm (Y/N)." You smile and he flashes you that dimply smile of his again.

He starts the car and heads to the hospital. You and Dean didn't really talk all the way to there, he'd just ask you from time to time if you were okay and tell you not to fall asleep. He really seemed worried about you.

Finally, you get to the hospital. Dean just spoke with the Doctor and the nurse and now, she's taking you to a room.

*3 hours later*

'It's been three fucking hours and no one tells me anything. Ugh.' Dean's thoughts are boiling by now, he's feeling bad enough already, he needs to know you're okay.

"Hello. Are you Dean Ambrose?" A small brunette asks Dean.

"Yes, that's me." He replies, getting up.

"Well, you can go see (Y/N) now. Dr. Ramsey will be there in a couple of minutes." She says, shooting a small smile at Dean, then showing him where your room is.

"Hey, can I come in?" Dean asks and you nod, smiling. He sits next to you and takes your hand in his. He feels your hand trembling underneath his, he knows you're nervous, so he just squeezes it, assuring you.

Then, Dr. Ramsey enters the room.

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