Chapter 5

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You and the guys are already sitting on the restaurant, you sitting next to Roman, Dean in front of you and Seth next to Dean. You don't know why, you can't figure it out, but you're sensing a weird tension in the air. Seth and Dean are way quieter than their usual selves, and you look at Roman trying to find some answers but he just shrugs.

You order your meals and the awkward silence still reigns in your table. The food arrives and silence still taking over the table, until Roman clears his throat and starts speaking.

"How are you feeling today, (Y/N)?" He asks.

"I'm okay, it was nothing special. Thanks for asking, though." You smile.

"No problem, I'm glad you're okay." Roman pats your back slightly.

And then... 'Another round of silence to table 4', you think. Suddenly, Roman starts talking again. He isn't understanding why his two best friends are acting so weirdly today, but he kind of has a bet on the subject. You.

"So, baby girl, what are you up to after lunch? Work?" He turns to you, giving you a small smile.

"No..." You try to hide your blush. "Actually, I'll go to the cinema with Dean after lunch." You say, shyly.

Finally you get some reaction of those two. Dean smiles widely at you, but Seth... if his eyes could shoot bullets, Dean would be dead by now. He had this upset look on his face, you couldn't figure out why.

"Ohhh, so you two are going on a date." Roman smiles, pointing between you and Dean.

"No, no. Not a date, Dean just wants to make it up to me because, well, you know what happened." You try to dismiss your embarrassment and cover your nervousness. The truth is... you're really liking Dean and you don't want to ruin it. But then you have Seth... His attitude is bugging you and you're still very attracted to him. You're so confused. And they aren't helping at all.

"Yup, totally platonic." Dean agrees with you, which makes your heart sink. Although you could swear you saw disappointment on his face, but you shrug it off, it's all your mind playing tricks on you. You thought he actually felt the same way about you and you were wrong, as always. At least this time, you found out before you actually get hurt.

"So, you guys don't mind if I join you?" Seth asks, now smiling widely. This man is weird, his mood changes in seconds.

"Nope, it's all good with me." You smile.

"Yeah... me too." Dean adds, but the look on his face says exactly the opposite. These two are killing you. You can't seem to figure them out, they are so complicated.

"What about you, Ro? Do you want to come with us?" You ask. Maybe if Roman comes this won't as awkward as it seems, you think.

"I can't, I have an appointment. But you guys have fun!" He winks.

"We sure will..." Dean mumbles, taking a sip of his water, thinking you didn't hear it, but you did.

You guys finish your meal. The three of you say goodbye to Roman, then heading to the local cinema.

Your heart is pounding in your chest and you're just praying that the whole cinema thing turns out fine. But with what you've seen during lunch, something is telling you that things won't be that easy.

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