Chapter 12

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You're still laying on the couch when you hear someone knocking on the door. After a couple of seconds, you finally get the strength to get up and go open the door, still very sleepy. You open it really slowly, not bothering to check who it is, so it doesn't make any noise. But once you open it, you think you're hallucinating. Dean is standing outside your house, staring at the ground with his back turned at the door (probably because he thought you wouldn't open the door).

"What are you doing here?" You ask him, trying so sound okay but your voice is still hoarse from the crying. Dean turns to you in a beat as soon as he hears your voice.

"(Y/N)..." He breathes out.

"What do you want, Dean?" You ask, sounding harsher than you were expecting. As a tear slips down your cheek, you wipe it off, trying not to break down again.
You want him to just say what he wants and leave, because right now you don't want to be near him and it's freezing outside. You notice he's looking you over, and just when you decide to call him on it, he beats you to it.

"Can we go inside? It's cold here, you seem to be chilly." He says softly, leaving you confused with his change of attitude and, once again, with thoughts about how he's able to know what's up with you and read you even without you saying a single word. But you try to shrug them off, he broke your heart, none of this should matter.

"Yup." You reply, popping the 'p'.

You get inside the house, straight to the living room, with Dean following you. You feel like crying all over again just by seeing the blankets and pillows, along with the popcorn and the DVDs you had put together for your movie night. You don't notice it because you had his back turned to him, but Dean's face softens as he really takes in and notices everything you did for your movie night. You sit down on the right side of couch, crossing your legs, and Dean sits on the opposite side.

"I... I wanted to talk with you about... well, about what happened earlier..." Dean starts.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it, so..." You mumble, playing with your hands and fighting back tears.

"Well, let me do the talking then... just hear me out." He says, but the only thing he gets from you is a frown. "Please, (Y/N), just hear me out. Please." But then, he begs. Dean Ambrose just begged you to hear what he has to say.

"Fine, you have 2 minutes." You allow, dryly.

"Thank you. Okay..." He whispers, then takes a deep breath, while looking down at his hands. "So... this is no excuse, but a while ago, I had a girlfriend and she truly messed me up and broke me in every way she could, let's leave it like that... It was the one and only time I decided to do the whole dating stuff and after that I decided it was enough, no more of that. So I never dated anyone besides her, just had occasional hook ups. And when I told you about the girls using me to get to Roman and Seth, it was true... They do and they think I'm too dumb to realize it, but I'm not... But then... then I saw you. You don't know this, but I noticed you months before I actually talked to you. And you turned my world upside down and questioned all my decisions without even realizing it... I wanted to date you, to tell everyone you were mine... I was so happy with our movie night, I swear... But I got nervous and then I started to think about what she did to me, that lead to me reminding myself of the day you and Seth kissed and I just... I couldn't do it. This... Us... You... it scares me."

Dean just decided to drop by at midnight and open his whole heart to you. You can't believe what you just heard, you must be really hallucinating. You don't know what to think, you don't know what to do. You're genuinely shocked.

"It scares you?" You whisper, not being able to find your voice from all the shock and emotion.

"It does... It's just... I really like you and I know I'd do anything for you, I'd put it all on the line for you, for us... and I'm afraid you'll get tired of me and destroy me just like she did..." He admits. He's really opening himself up for you. Just the sight of him is breaking your heart. He's such a broken man, he's been through so much.

"Why didn't you tell me all this from the beginning?" You ask softly, getting closer to him and putting your hands over his. He stiffens a bit when he feels your touch, but you start caressing his hands with your thumbs and he relaxes, finally looking at you.

"I was afraid that..." His voice trails off and he looks down again.

"You were afraid that I wouldn't understand and that I wouldn't want anything to do with you right?" You ask, looking at him intently.

"Yeah, pretty much..." He admits shyly. You have never seen Dean this way. Ever. But you're glad he's trusting you enough to open up and tell you his fears. Now, you understand why he did what he did.

"If you had told me, if you had just given me the chance, you'd know by now that I like you too and that I'd do anything for you, Dean. ... I don't know, but there's just something about you... You make me feel safe and loved without a word and without even touching me... I've felt this way ever since I met you. And yeah... I've noticed you months before actually talking to you too." You chuckle lightly, blushing a bit. He reacts by squeezing your hands gently. "Dean, the thing is... we're both broken, but we need to move on, we need to try and be happy. We can heal each other... I'm willing to give it a try." You give him a small and nervous smile. You're afraid he'll snap again and leave, this time, not coming back.

He doesn't leave, but you weren't expecting this reaction either.

"Come here." He whispers and pulls you up to his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him. He rests his head on your shoulder, his face hidden in the crook of your neck, while you put your left arm around his shoulders and the other caressing his hair softly. "I'm willing to give a try too." He mumbles against your neck, and you can feel his lips form a smile.

"I'm glad." You smile back at him, kissing his forehead softly.

"(Y/N), do you think we can still do our movie night?" He asks softly, kissing your neck lightly.

"No, you got here just on time." You smile, pulling back and looking down at him.

He smiles back and starts leaning up slowly. You can't believe he's going to kiss you. Your heart is racing. His eyes never leave yours, until his lips touch yours. Slowly and tenderly. Before he pulls back, he gives three pecks on the lips, leaving you blushing a bit, but smiling like a fool.

"So, what movie do you want to see?" You ask smiling.

"Whatever you pick is fine, baby." He replies. He called you baby, making your heart flutter, you can't help but smile.

Dean takes his leather jacket and shoes off, and then lays on the couch adjusting the blankets and pillows while you put the DVD on. When you're done, you lay beside him and snuggle up to his chest. Everything seems in place now. And what looked like a hell of a night, turned out to be a perfect night.

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