Chapter 11

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After ending the call with you, Roman keeps replaying in his mind the 5 minutes he talked with Dean that afternoon and he couldn't find a reason for what he just did to you. So, he decides to call him.

After a few beeps, Dean finally picks up.

"What's up?" He says immediately, not even giving time for Roman to speak.

"What's up, Dean? What's up? That's what I should be asking you! What have you done?" Roman shoots, sounding really pissed.

"What do you mean what have I done?" Dean replies, starting to get pissed himself.

"Bro, (Y/N)!"

"Oh... that." Dean's voice softens at the mention of your name.

"Yes that, Dean." Roman is getting even more confused with his best friend's attitude now, than before he called him. "Why did you do it? I thought you liked her!"

"I do like her..." He mumbles.

"Oh, you do? I'd never tell considering your latest stunt." Roman affirms sarcastically.

"Ro, don't be like that... You know me, I just... I-"

"You just what, Dean?" Dean starts speaking but Roman cuts him off.

"Fuck, Roman! You know why. You know what happened the one and only time I decided to do this whole dating stuff." Dean argues back.

"I do." Roman's voice softens this time, reminding the whole Rachel story. "But (Y/N) is nothing like her, and you know that."

"I know that. But I got nervous with this whole movie night thing... I don't do the date thing, you know that and you know why... So I got nervous, and when that happens I tend to be an asshole. Plus for making things even worse, all I could think about was her kissing Seth back and... ugh. I screwed it all up." Dean sighs and Roman can tell how much he regrets his earlier behavior.

"Yes, you did, bro..." Roman sighs too. He knows Dean and he knows he had to have his reasons, but it still was a shitty thing to do and it wasn't your fault. "But you can still make things right."

"What do you mean? And, now that I think about it, how do you know what happened?" Dean asks, sounding confused.

"She called me, Dean. She's shattered. She thought you were just playing her... So if you want to change her mind, you get your ass back there and tell her how you feel. Forget all about Seth, she likes you, not him. And forget about Rachel, because they're nothing alike." Roman silently prays he's actually getting some sense into Dean's head.

Suddenly Dean takes a deep breath, not saying anything, leaving Roman hanging. Has it worked or not?

"Yeah, you're right. I'll go back there. Thank you, bro." Dean finally says, and Roman lets out a relieve sigh.

"Anytime, brother. Good luck!" Roman smiles as he hangs up the phone.

Meanwhile, you're still laying on your couch, where you fell asleep heartbroken, not having a clue about what just happened.

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